How to Package Victory Plugin With Your Game
Dear Community,
First of I currently only support Development Win64 and Shipping Win32 for packaging process.
If you need to package the plugin for Mac or a mobile device you will have to mail me fresh copy of the appropriate device so I can compile for that platform.
**One Plugin Install For Projects**
If you follow my steps below you can use my Victory Plugin in every one of your projects without having to copy it into each project, and it will also package correctly.
is because my plugin should now go in your Engine folder, not your project folder.
Users Be Aware: If you dont have a C++ programmer and you are trying to compile for Mac or mobile devices you should not use my plugin, because I cant currently support packaging the plugin for these platforms.
Solution A
I highly recommend obtaining a C++ programmer, I hear they like bananas.
Solution B
You could also become a C++ programmer yourself by downloading Visual Studio 2015 for the Community, it’s free!
Eating more bananas will help too.
My Personal Recommendation
I recommend becoming a C++ programmer in cases, so you can keep your bananas for your own personal consumption.
**"Help It Says Victory Plugin Module Is Missing"**
The rules for packaging my plugin with your game are different than they were pre 4.11.
If you dont follow my steps below, you will get an error message saying that Victory Plugin Module could not be loaded when you try to package and then run your game.
Steps to Packaging Victory Plugin
- Download the Binaries + Source code from my download link:
Engine Folder
2. Move the contents to the Engine folder for your current engine version.
Please note my plugin is a Runtime plugin, which means it can package with the game and be distributed in the final game product.
Package For Supported Platform
3. Package the game for Development Win64 or Shipping Win32*
**Attention C++ Programmers**
*4. If you are or someone you love and adore is a C++ programmer, they can move my supplied files to the project level, and do a full Rebuild in Visual Studio to generate compiled binary .lib files for whatever the destination platform is.
These will be added to the Binaries folder for the plugin.
Now you should move of back to the Engine directory, the proper location for officially distributed plugins (as told to me by Epic).
Now you can package the game in the editor and the plugin will come along for the ride!
Custom Engine Versions
People using custom Engine versions can recompile my plugin directly in the Engine folder since I include the entire source code.
**Wiki About Packaging Custom Plugins**
I have composed a wiki to help explain of both for plugin users and plugin developers.,_How_To_Package_Custom_Plugins_With_Your_Game