(39) 's Extra Blueprint Nodes for You as a Plugin, No C++ Required!

from to, here and there, topics about sorting arrays comes out, your plugin has something to do with that? if not, can you please add sort for float, int and byte(i guess).

He is already giving it away for free, so I doubt it would sell that well, as people could just use the past free versions. It would also take A LONG for the marketplace team to thoroughly test plugin. Plus it might make him look greedy if he tried to make money from it (not to me, to everyone else, sad world :()

, inspired by my thread?

i dont even know what is those byte is and what you was actually sorting big32.gif, but if thats possible, why not.

My LoadLevelInstance node returns a ULevelStreaming* which you can drag off from and set the boolean bShouldBeLoaded to false

Then the engine will unload the level in the next tick :slight_smile:

Again you can do with just current BP as variable is exposed in ULevelStreaming.h:

/** Whether the level should be loaded																						*/
	UPROPERTY(Category=LevelStreaming, BlueprintReadWrite)
	uint32 bShouldBeLoaded:1;

from to, here and there, topics about sorting arrays comes out, your plugin has something to do with that? if not, can you please add sort for float, int and byte(i guess).

Yes I offer sorting of float and int arrays as part of my plugin :)

**Internal Thread Link to Sorting of Array Nodes**


Hi there!

I am using my Vertex Snap Editor in 4.10 project with no issues

  1. make sure plugin is at project level not engine level

  2. open up your DefaultEngine.ini and add these lines


  1. Make sure you are using :


Note the bold

Good luck!

Oh and [FONT=Comic Sans MS]Welcome to the Forums!

Well actually the Save System plugin at my website is indeed a paid plugin, here’s the intro video!

I have free wiki C++ material here.

My website:

PS: I did appreciate your sentiment tho Jamendxman3! :slight_smile:


Woohoo thanks for the compliments and support John, Sivan, and Kenomica!

I am in the process of doing 1 plugin with Epic right now, I will surely do my Save System plugin next!

Thanks again for your support!

[FONT=Comic Sans MS]:heart:

i’m pressing learn more on mplayer coding and nothing happens =(

Can’t wait for that :cool:

Is your plugin capable of saving more complex variables like an array of blueprint structs containing arrays of blueprint structs? :rolleyes:

Please tell me the plugin is for your jumping AI.

I will pay whatever you ask to have it.

Yes my save system plugin can save as many nested layers of ustructs and arrays as you want!

Hee hee!


Hee hee! I will have to work on turning my Jumping AI system into a plugin! Video for everyone’s reference:

's Jumping AI Thread

Three New Nodes, 2-way Conversion from Vector,Rotator,Color to String, and Back Again!

Dear Community,

I was saving out Vector,Rotator, and Color data to a text file using my Victory BP Library node, Save String Array to File.

And found there was no way to convert a vector that was turned into a string… back into a vector :slight_smile:

**Two-Way Conversion Now!**

I've added 3 new nodes to my Victory BP library that enable you to convert Vectors, Rotators, and Colors **back from string data** into the original primitive variable types!

String Data Validity Check

I supply a bool to let you know if the string data was solid or not and was able to be converted properly.

Like on Twitter:

Github Submission to the Engine

**Latest plugin download on the UE4 Wiki: (7.16 mb) **

Not using the latest engine version? Check out my wiki section on which plugin release dates go with which engine version!

**Plugin Release Dates and UE4 Engine Versions**

Victory Plugin Binaries for Packaged Games

**Victory Plugin on Media Fire**

**If your browser is not updating the Wiki download page** to the most recent version, you can use my alternative Media Fire download link!

Please note the mediafire version includes both the editor and packaged game binaries in the same file ♥ 



Donations can be sent to me via:



PS: Please note my mediafire link has changed, please use above link to get most recent version :slight_smile:

What is Idea behind saving vectors as string and vice versa?

If you want to save Vector data in human-readible format to your own custom file type, or to your own custom config file, you need to be able to convert back from the output of Vector to String back into a Vector from a String.

is what my 3 new nodes allow you to do!


+1 for , jumping AI is awesome!

@… Was using your BP library for my FPS tutorial. In 4.9 used the sound stuff, worked great, in 4.10 though … victory sound volume change to set… then victory get sound volume to get it… if I ‘volume change’ to say .5 for a class, then ‘get sound volume’ for that class, it always returns -1.0 …

@ , I messed with the source and rebuilt… It works, but it is very strange… not sure what was going on… the FAudioDevice I kept and it always found that… if I keep the Props bit, what I set it to != what it returns right after setting it… but if I skip the props and just return SoundClassObject->Properties.Volume they do match exactly.

float UVictoryBPFunctionLibrary::VictoryGetSoundVolume(USoundClass* SoundClassObject)
     if (!SoundClassObject)
		return -1;
	return SoundClassObject->Properties.Volume;


seems to return it properly…

Thanks! Hee hee!

@...   Was using your BP library for my FPS tutorial.  In 4.9 used the sound stuff, worked great, in 4.10 though ... victory sound volume change to set... then victory get sound volume to get it...    if I 'volume change' to say .5 for a class, then 'get sound volume' for that class, it always returns -1.0 ...

@ , I messed with the source and rebuilt... It works, but it is very strange...  not sure what was going on... the FAudioDevice I kept and it always found that... if I keep the Props bit, what I set it to != what it returns right after setting it... but if I skip the props and just return SoundClassObject->Properties.Volume they do match exactly.


float UVictoryBPFunctionLibrary::VictoryGetSoundVolume(USoundClass* SoundClassObject)
     if (!SoundClassObject)
		return -1;
	return SoundClassObject->Properties.Volume;



seems to return it properly...

Thanks for sharing  fix Arbopa!

Yes  new version does match the code I already have for VictorySoundVolumeChange, it was an oversight on my part to not change GetVolume to use the same new format.

Now both functions are using the same format!

**Thanks again for pointing  out!**

 fix will be in the next release of my Victory BP Library plugin!


Sort Int and Float Arrays!

Dear Community,

I have 4 new BP nodes for you!

**Efficiently Sort Integer / Float Array**

Now you can easily and efficiently sort an integer or float array, with the smallest entry being put at index 0!

 modifies the original array, saving you from creating unnecessary duplicate array data.

So my BP sort node is very efficient!


Plus Equals and Minus Equals Integer Math Operators

Typically you have to Get an integer variable and then Set it with some value added/subtracted in order to modify an integer value.

I find rather cumbersome, especially because in C++ there is the += and -= operators which make adding and subtracting from integers very fast!

Using my new BP Operators you can easily add a value to an integer or subtract a value from an integer!

Note my operator modifies the original value and returns it, so I cannot make these operators Pure. Execution pins are required because the value is getting modified.

**The C++ Code Involved**

In order to make these 4 new nodes I took advantage of UPARAM(ref) which allows a BP variable to be modified in C++ and returned back to Blueprints.

I wrote a [wiki on UPARAM(ref)](https://wiki.unrealengine.com/How_To_Modify_Blueprint_Variable_References_In_C%2B%2B_Without_Copying)that you can enjoy!


void UVictoryBPFunctionLibrary::VictoryIntPlusEquals(UPARAM(ref) int32& Int, int32 Add, int32& IntOut)
	Int += Add;
	IntOut = Int; 
void UVictoryBPFunctionLibrary::VictoryIntMinusEquals(UPARAM(ref) int32& Int, int32 Sub, int32& IntOut)
	Int -= Sub;
	IntOut = Int; 


**Latest plugin download on the UE4 Wiki: **

**Latest plugin packaged binaries, Win32 Shipping and Win64 Development on UE4 Wiki: **

**Victory Plugin on Media Fire**

If your browser is not updating the Wiki download page to the most recent version, you can use my alternative Media Fire download link!

Please note clicking  link will not start a download instantly, it will just take you to the Media Fire file description.

**Editor binaries and Packaged binaries in one file:**
   *Win32 Shipping and Win64 Development Supported*

Note on Packaging Victory Plugin



Can you make efficient append array node, which is not invole modifiing original array. Just like math “+” but for types of array’s.