(39) 's Extra Blueprint Nodes for You as a Plugin, No C++ Required!

I made a whole sample project on adjusting key mappings that uses my Victory Plugin :slight_smile:

Just upgraded to 4.8
's UMG Rebindable Key System
[Full Project] 's UMG Rebindable Key System, Rebind keys at Runtime! - Programming & Scripting - Epic Developer Community Forums!


**Improved Get Vertex Locations of Static Mesh

Now works in Packaged Games**

My C++ Code For You

See my PhysX wiki for the basic build.cs setup:

Here is the code I wrote to get of the transformed vertex positions using the Body Instance and PhysX code!

I am doing many safety checks to ensure the Body Instance data is valid before utilizing it, and the result is that now you can get accurate vertex locations in packaged games!

//~~~ PhysX ~~~
#include "PhysXIncludes.h"
#include "PhysicsPublic.h"		//For the ptou conversions

//Get Transformed Vertex positions of any static mesh! -
bool UVictoryBPFunctionLibrary::GetStaticMeshVertexLocations(UStaticMeshComponent* Comp, TArray<FVector>& VertexPositions)
	if(!Comp || !Comp->IsValidLowLevel()) 
		return false;
	//Component Transform
	FTransform RV_Transform = Comp->GetComponentTransform(); 
	//Body Setup valid?
	UBodySetup* BodySetup = Comp->GetBodySetup();
	if(!BodySetup || !BodySetup->IsValidLowLevel())
		return false;
	//Get the Px Mesh!
	PxTriangleMesh* TriMesh = BodySetup->TriMesh;
		return false;
	//Number of vertices
	PxU32 VertexCount 			= TriMesh->getNbVertices();
	//Vertex array
	const PxVec3* Vertices 	= TriMesh->getVertices();
	//For each vertex, transform the position to match the component Transform 
	for(PxU32 v = 0; v < VertexCount; v++)
	return true;

UE4 Wiki, Plugin Download Page



True, but your system doesn’t allow the rebinding of InputAxis events, nor does it allow binding multiple keys to the same action… But can be easily by modifying Input.ini, and so I was hoping that in the absence of Victory Key Binding’s ability to do it I might just use BP commands to write/remove the appropriate stuff from the Input.ini file and be with it, rather than trying to learn enough C++ to tweak your plugin to enable remapping WASD keys :stuck_out_tongue:

I know that supporting those is on your to-do list, but I also know you’re a busy guy with more important things to do than fix Epic’s lack of key rebinding so I was hoping to work around it rather than wait for you to get to it

Sound Nodes For You

Two sound BP nodes for you!

**Latest plugin download on the UE4 Wiki: (7.93 mb) **

Victory Plugin on Media Fire

If your browser is not updating the Wiki download page to the most recent version, you can use my alternative Media Fire download link!

Please note clicking link will not start a download instantly, it will just take you to the Media Fire file description.



Key Rebinding

Dear Community,

I’ve now added support for rebinding both action and axis mappings during runtime!

  1. You can rebind Axis mapping keys!
  2. You can rebind Axis mapping scales (usually -1 or 1, but you can use any number you want)
  3. You can convert an input key event to an axis mapping (for use with “enter new key” type menus)

See my sample project for how to use these nodes!

**Runtime Key Rebinding Menu**

Again the whole point of these nodes is so that you can allow your players / users to change game axis/action mappings during runtime, to go with a key-rebinding menu!

Sample Project

I’ve composed a sample project that demonstrates the use of these nodes!

]([Full Project] 's UMG Rebindable Key System, Rebind keys at Runtime! - Programming & Scripting - Epic Developer Community Forums)

**Latest plugin download on the UE4 Wiki: (7.94 mb) **

Victory Plugin on Media Fire

If your browser is not updating the Wiki download page to the most recent version, you can use my alternative Media Fire download link!

Please note clicking link will not start a download instantly, it will just take you to the Media Fire file description.



Hi ,

is in reference to the previous posts. Another alternative to spawn locations for fire particles: A voronoi fracture on a mesh creates destructible mesh. It slices the mesh into mini chunks. The number of slices or chunks can be increased or decreased based on requirements. If there is a way to access the individual locations (center) and unique ID of each of these chunks, they can become propagation points for fire. The ID is to do array/list manipulations. At present there are no blueprint nodes for . Do you think is doable? I am trying to improve my thesis system. The vertex based propagation is very limiting. If the voronoi method for calculation propagation points works, it may be a better and more dynamic method.

Also, is it possible to get vertex information for skeletal meshes? I have many objects that needs morph targets (therefore need to imported as skeletal meshes). is to show of fire damage on those meshes.


Yes I’ll be working on soon, and then on to destructible mesh piece locations, but will do Animated vertex locations of skeletal meshes first,

Keep in mind no one pays me to do any of , so it may take some


PS: Newest node release:

Rebinding Axis Key Mappings During Runtime!

Thanks! Looking forward to the updates.

Did you know that you’re my hero, ?

I see from the picture that we can also map two or more keys to the same action, so that’s just like bonus points for me.

Epic should be paying you for , man.

Now I have an options menu to finish.

Here is the logs from when I compile my game in VS:

Error 1 error C1083: Cannot open include file: ‘flex.h’: No such file or directory G:\UnrealEngine-4.8_NVIDIA_Techs\Engine\Source\Runtime\Engine\Public\PhysXIncludes.h 68 1 StairsGameC

Error 2 error C1083: Cannot open include file: ‘flex.h’: No such file or directory G:\UnrealEngine-4.8_NVIDIA_Techs\Engine\Source\Runtime\Engine\Public\PhysXIncludes.h 68 1 StairsGameC

Warning 3 warning C4996: including Slate.h is deprecated. Please include SlateBasics.h and then individual widget headers instead. G:\UnrealEngine-4.8_NVIDIA_Techs\Engine\Source\Runtime\Slate\Public\Slate.h 5 1 StairsGameC

Error 4 error : Failed to produce item: C:\Users\AndersN\Documents\Unreal Projects\StairsGameC 4.7 - Copy 4.8\Plugins\VictoryPlugin\Intermediate\Build\Win64\UE4Editor\Development\UE4Editor-VictoryBPLibrary.exp C:\Users\AndersN\Documents\Unreal Projects\StairsGameC 4.7 - Copy 4.8\Intermediate\ProjectFiles\ERROR StairsGameC

Error 5 error MSB3073: The command “G:\UnrealEngine-4.8_NVIDIA_Techs\Engine\Build\BatchFiles\Build.bat StairsGameCEditor Win64 Development “C:\Users\AndersN\Documents\Unreal Projects\StairsGameC 4.7 - Copy 4.8\StairsGameC.uproject”” exited with code -1. C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\Microsoft.Cpp\v4.0\V120\Microsoft.MakeFile.Targets 38 5 StairsGameC

I’m sorry but if you are using nVidia Branches of the Unreal Engine you need to talk to them about why Flex.h can’t be found.

The public PhysX includes are working for people on every OS for the main branch.

Ask them and feel free to let me know what they say!


Hee hee!



(as of 6/11/15)

Dear Community,

I’ve made a new BP node for you!

HasSubstring compliments the functionality of FindSubstring.

FinsSubstring requires more inputs and returns an index within the source string.

My node, HasSubstring, requires only 1 input and only returns whether or not the supplied substring is in the source string.

I use the C++ version of HasSubstring the so I felt you would enjoy having it in BP as well!

**Example Usage ~ Search **

If you wanted to make a string-based search , that iterated over the contents of a list of UMG Texts, you can take the user's supplied search string and use my **HasSubstring **node to find  the UMG Text widgets that contain the user's supplied search string.

**Latest plugin download on the UE4 Wiki: (7.94 mb) **

**Victory Plugin on Media Fire**

If your browser is not updating the Wiki download page to the most recent version, you can use my alternative Media Fire download link!

Please note clicking  link will not start a download instantly, it will just take you to the Media Fire file description.




But only happens when I put your plugin into the Plugins folder of my project, when I remove your plugin from my project it compiles fine again. But I will ask in the Gameworks integration thread and report back if I hear anything.

Here is the answer from GalaxyMan2015 on the GameWorks thread:

I believe’s plugins have PhysX integrations right? If is the case, then you will need to add FLEX to the DependencyModuleNames of the Build.cs of’s plugin, I had to do myself for my project as I have some PhysX integration stuff, and it was complaining it couldn’t find Flex.h until I added FLEX to the module list.

And worked for me!!!


I’ve tried using’s plugin and when I ran into some packaging issues I decided to remove it (it was a sensitive project and we couldn’t spend the debugging). When I disabled it, the project became corrupted. (on 4.7.6, 4.8.1, and 4.8.2).

The game was a c++ project; on disabling the plugin, the visual studio part of the project was completely removed (as in, no longer in the VS project explorer - only the UE4 engine part of the VS project, and the files missing in the game folder) - even the compile option in the game editor was gone. It reduced it to a blueprint only project - which could not be cooked/packaged. I re-enabled the plugin and while I regained the visual studio part, the c++ would no longer compile; the editor would not even load, and I ended up having to delete the game and start over from a skeleton backup.

I would not recommend plug in - cost our group a lot of money.


May i ask if the plugin is compatible with 4.9?

Thank you!

Woohoo! Thanks for sharing solution Number47!

**The Nvidia Branch Build Solution**

Again for anyone not clear on the solution, if you are using Nvidia branches of UE4, go to


And make sure FLEX is added as a dependencY!


			new string] { 
				"UMG", "Slate", "SlateCore",
				"PhysX", "APEX", "FLEX"  ** //<~~~~~~ **



May i ask if the plugin is compatible with 4.9?

Thank you!

I will make it 4.9 compatible when 4.9 is officially released :)

Have fun today everyone!


Massive New Collision Surface Distance Analysis Tools

Dear Community,

I’ve just released two new nodes to help you with of your** collsion surface distance checks**!

These nodes let you easily tell how far a given point is from the actual PhysX surface of any UE4 game with collision / primitive component!

I’ve even given you a node that let’s you directly check the distance between the physical surfaces of two objects!

See pics!

These nodes work with Characters and Skeletal Mesh actors that have physics assets!

**Distance Between Surfaces Of Two Objects**


**World Point Distance To Collision Of Any **

**My C++ For You**

Here's the C++ code for my algorithm to get the distance between the colliding surfaces of any two objects!


float UVictoryBPFunctionLibrary::GetDistanceBetweenComponentSurfaces(UPrimitiveComponent* CollisionComponent1, UPrimitiveComponent* CollisionComponent2, FVector& PointOnSurface1, FVector& PointOnSurface2)
	if(!CollisionComponent1 || !CollisionComponent2) 
            return -1;

        //Closest Point on 2 to 1
	CollisionComponent2->GetDistanceToCollision(CollisionComponent1->GetComponentLocation(), PointOnSurface2);
	//Closest Point on 1 to closest point on surface of 2
	return CollisionComponent1->GetDistanceToCollision(PointOnSurface2, PointOnSurface1);



**Latest plugin download on the UE4 Wiki: (7.99 mb) **

**Victory Plugin on Media Fire**

If your browser is not updating the Wiki download page to the most recent version, you can use my alternative Media Fire download link!

Please note clicking  link will not start a download instantly, it will just take you to the Media Fire file description.




New distance node looks awesome!

OOO Distance Nodes!

Is there a limit to the distance in which the precision of is effected? For example, I have a real scale galaxy (converted to unit scale “Example: 1 mile = 0.001 unreal units”). Would the precision be effected in a scenario like ?

Thanks again for another awesome contribution!