(39) 's Extra Blueprint Nodes for You as a Plugin, No C++ Required!

It is the same one

Currently I am facing the above error: unable to load ‘ApexDestruction’ plugin.

I found an older post here which described that error occured since the plugin is placed in Project folder and not Engine folder.

I also tried enabling the ApexDestruction plugin (even though my project does not use it).
That error no longer occurs but I am struck at a loading screen.

I’m also facing the same above error regarding the ApexDestruction plugin. I’m not using it in my project at , but I can’t disable it because VictoryPlugin apparently requires it.

Someone got Plugin working for Unreal Engine 5.0.1?

anyone had with 4.27 version? is class deprecated/removed from version?

How to Get Animated Vertex Positions(skeleton mesh) through blueprint are C++.

USkeletalMeshComponent* Mesh,
TArray& Locations,
bool PerformPawnVelocityCorrection
if(!Mesh || !Mesh->SkeletalMesh)
return false;


FTransform ToWorld = Mesh->GetComponentTransform();
FVector WorldLocation = ToWorld.GetLocation();

//Pawn Velocity Correction
UPawnMovementComponent* MovementComp = nullptr;
	APawn* Pawn = Cast<APawn>(Mesh->GetOwner());
	MovementComp = (Pawn) ? Pawn->GetMovementComponent() : NULL;
bool DoVelocityCorrection = PerformPawnVelocityCorrection && MovementComp;
//Pawn Velocity Correction
for(FVector& EachVertex : Locations)
	EachVertex = WorldLocation + ToWorld.TransformVector(EachVertex);
		EachVertex += MovementComp->Velocity * FApp::GetDeltaTime();

return true;


With , I am unable to create node giving some issues and Which part go to where like .H Are .Cpp

Any one can help on if you have idea.

Regaridng APEX

I will make a non-APEX version soon!

:sparkling_heart: Victory Plugin for UE5 :sparkling_heart:

Here you go!


1 Like

Thank you for your hardwork!

Hey @ ,
Is it possible to get notified when the cmd line process completes. I run ffmpeg.exe to encode an mxf video file to mp4 and I want to know when the encoding finishes. Is it possible?


ERROR Packaging for android :confused:

Hi, I am sorry for interupting you with a stupid question. I have a project which I moved from drive to drive and folder to folder. It’s using version 4.27 and I have the following errors when compiling, it might be because in some place there is still a reference to old location or is it something else ?

warning C4996: ‘TCastImpl<From,To,ECastType::FromCastFlags>::DoCast’: Cast<>() and CastChecked<>() should not be used with FProperties.
–>VictoryBPFunctionLibrary.h(1780): note: see reference to function template instantiation ‘To *Cast<FArrayProperty,FProperty>(From *)’

VictoryBPFunctionLibrary.cpp(680): warning C4996: USkeletalMesh::RefSkeleton’: Please do not access member directly;

VictoryBPFunctionLibrary.cpp(4200): warning C4996: ‘operator new’: Placement new on TIndirectArray has been deprecated

VictoryBPFunctionLibrary.cpp(5314): warning C4996: ‘UEngine::NetworkRemapPath’

VictoryBPFunctionLibrary.cpp(5454): warning C4996: ‘FindField’: FindField will no longer return properties.

In my build.cs file I have these settings:

  PCHUsage = PCHUsageMode.UseExplicitOrSharedPCHs;

//MinFilesUsingPrecompiledHeaderOverride = 1;
//bUseUnity = false; //bFasterWithoutUnity = true;
//bEnforceIWYU = true;

Thankyou in advance!

The first post of thread mentions

link does not work anymore and I cant find the post.
Anyone know where I can find these instructions?

Thank you.
Your plugin was priceless and helped me very much I can’t even stress it out. Much respect.

I get error: UATHelper: Packaging (Windows): ERROR: Expecting to find a type to be declared in a module rules named ‘VictoryBPLibrary’ in UE5Rules, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null. type must derive from the ‘ModuleRules’ type defined by Unreal Build Tool.
PackagingResults: Error: Expecting to find a type to be declared in a module rules named ‘VictoryBPLibrary’ in UE5Rules, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null. type must derive from the ‘ModuleRules’ type defined by Unreal Build Tool.

Please, how do I know what features plugin has?

1 Like

Please update to 5.1

You’re welcome, thank you for stopping by to let me know!!!

You can run a periodic timer on your ProcessID and use !


I might have to make a BP node, which I will do in the UE5 version.

Are you moving on to UE5 or staying with UE4?

UE5 Victory Plugin is Here!

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:zap: :sparkling_heart: :zap: Merry Christmas Everyone! :zap: :sparkling_heart: :zap:

I hope you have a Joy-filled Christmas!

For anyone who is not moving on to UE5 please let me know, I’ve been doing my recent updates in UE5, but if there are certain nodes you still need in UE4 let me know!


1 Like

thank you for your afford it is helpful for me

Hi @ , I used the Color Picker in a project (UE5.1.1) with the Victory plugin 5.1, but when building I get this error message:
[Compiler] OnColorChanged (ColorSelector) does not have a valid matching component!
In use pin New Color no longer exists on node OnColorChanged (RamaColorPicker_0) . Please refresh node or break links to remove pin. from Source.
I tried refreshing the nodes but still the same error when building the project.
It’s weird because this error is only visible when building, in the editor it works fine.