thx very much. Yes i am still searching … will try tomorrow !!
, could you possibly look into these node suggestions?
-capsule trace with orientation (i hear exists in C++ but the blueprint capsule trace mysteriously lacks it?)
-trace by distance and direction nodes: so for example instead of setting end points, you just set a starting point, unit vector direction, and float distance
-exposed engine quaternion and spherical interpolation functions
-vector += and -= like you have for floats currently
-clamp vector and clamp rotator to closest of number given directions, for example returning only 8 directions or 4 directions
thank you for your hard work, and for such a wonderfully useful plugin.
Hi, -
I’m having difficulty using your plugin - Could you help me out? How should I use “Load string from file”? I get the txt file and plug it into the file path -> but the “result” has no value-> therefore I have nothing to “Parse into Array”. is a simple setup, but it does not recognize my selected file.
Hi ,
I encountered a crash in your VictoryBPFunctionLibrary.cpp.
if I pass in an EXR file, it will crash in line
FMemory::Memcpy(TextureData, UncompressedBGRA.GetData(), UncompressedBGRA.Num());
for TextureData is made of 8 bit but EXR data is usually more than 16 bit.
I modified
ImageWrapper->GetRaw(ERGBFormat::RGBA, 8, UncompressedBGRA) to
ImageWrapper->GetRaw(ERGBFormat::RGBA, bitDepth, UncompressedBGRA)
the program passed.
Another question is, I fed the final UTexture2D into HDRIBackdrop it became white, for it needs TextureCube?
Is it possible for Victory_LoadTexture2D_FromFile to get UTextureCube instead?
Yes, it was a pain but it crashes cause there are some functions form plugin that still in your blueprint. When crashes we find what class cause the crash and i look in class for nodes.
I dont know better alternative for that. Try to remember what nodes you used and look for them in find mode with binoculars icon
How do you install plugin
extract the archive content inside a project folder INSIDE NEW FOLDER NAMED “Plugins”
then when you open the project with ue4 go to edit > plugins and under installed you should see , it needs to be checked. Then when you go to blueprints and search nodes make sure content sensitivity in the right top corner is turned off. Most of the nodes are named victory in front if not . I know “io load” “io save” so see what you need and how to find them
When I load text from the io load node, every symbol that is in bulgarian language is inserted as ? mark.
If i manually insert the bulgarian text into a variable and then save it to text file everything is fine
Trying to build a blueprint based 4.25 project and am getting an error that it can’t find the Apex Destruction plugin.
LogPluginManager: Error: Unable to load plugin 'ApexDestruction'. Aborting.
I don’t need destruction but I can’t disable the plugin because Victory needs it.
I’m building a win64 project. Do I need to do something other then what I normally do to build a project?
Like, did I overlook a packaging manual for victory maybe?
[edit]Apparently I misunderstood a step along the way. I had victory installed in the project and it needs to be installed in the engine instead for packaging to work.
Hi there!
You are welcome!
I will work on processing new suggestions as soon as I able!
Clamp vector and clamp rotator is an interesting one for me!
Thank you for sharing your research!
Hello everyone,
I’m very very new to UE4 and programming and I’m very happy about the Blueprint solutions! I Hope I could find someone who is able to help out
Currently I’m working on a project, in which I try to include Arduino Data (I’m already using the UE4Duino Plugin) into a widget for a VR-environment in the UE4.24 Engine . I’m getting the Data via “read and Print string” in the Level Blueprint, but I’m kinda lost at the point to get data in the Widget Blueprint sooooo now I’m also trying to save the Data coming from the Arduino to the Engine into a CSV file, if possible with a timestamp. If that works, further on I would like to do the same with a timestamp that tells me when someone grabbed an and what the Ardunio Data was during that and have it saved in a CSV.
Is that even possible?
Is there someone out here who could help me out?
I’m really lost here (again) and I’m very very thankful in advance for any solutions
Hi !
Thanks so much for sharing plugin with us! It has DEFINITELY made things a lot easier and more streamlined for me! <3
That being said, I am wondering if you have any resources or can point me in the right direction for something! I am trying to export images using your plugin
However, I am unsure of how to set up a file path directory as to where they go.
Im on UE4.25 and am using .ogg files, I get a valid back but in don’t play the sound…any ideas?
Hey , great work, I really appreciate what you are doing for the community! You’ve already helped me a lot with your solutions in several multiplayer topics & I wanted to ask if there would be the possibility to implement the “AGameModeBase::GetSeamlessTravelActorList” function to blueprint for seamless travels, since right now there is no way to add actors to the list of persistent actors on blueprint-only projects.
Hi , I am struggling to understand how to use the Get Pixel node. I assume the pixel coordinates related to the UV coordinates? However, of course, the input values for the node are integers so would mean that inputting UV coordinates won’t work. What values do I actually need to input into the X and Y coordinates? Also does the get pixels array function actually work in 4.26?
@LiquidWhale I am also wondering the same thing.
Hello guys!
Plugin works prety good. It’s very helpfull tool.
But during package I’m getting warning like:
- Warning: FLevelStreamInstanceInfo::LODIndex is not initialized properly. Module:VictoryBPLibrary File:Public/VictoryBPFunctionLibrary.h
- LogAutomationTest: Warning: BoolProperty FVictoryInput::bShift is not initialized properly. Module:VictoryBPLibrary File:Public/VictoryBPFunctionLibrary.h
Also attached screenshot from unreal. Somebody have an idea how to “fix” warnings?
It seams to be something wrong with FLevelStreamInstanceInfo and FVictoryInput functions.
Yes, if you scroll up in thread you will find my post where I re-introduced GetPixel and it is working in the last sniff UE4 version!
Here it is!