(39) 's Extra Blueprint Nodes for You as a Plugin, No C++ Required!

Victory Plugin for UE4 4.23 Update

Hi there!

Welcome to the UE4 Forums!

And hello everyone else in the UE4 Community!

Here is Victory Plugin 4.23!


**Special Thanks**

Special thanks to github contributor Firefly74940 for contributing the 4.23 required changes:


PS: To everyone who has posted questions, sorry I am so busy, I will process your questions as soon as I can! I am deep in development on my game :)

Fantastic, thanks a lot for updating it so quickly! Good luck with your game :slight_smile:

Thanks for fast update , you rock!


Firstly, thank you for the opportunity of using your Victory plugin.
I’m not a C++ programmer, however, have VS2017.
Please, could you tell me the correct install procedure for your plugin.

Thank you and kind regards,


  • UPDATE *
    Managed to get it loaded, many thanks for .
    Quick question, after using Victory Create Proc, to open an external application (works a treat by the way), how can you close it, is there a separate function for ?

I would be more than willing to pay for your services to provide functionality.

the best.

is bit far fetched… but any advice how to get working with 4.19 NVIDIA flex?

i can make it work with 4.19 regular engine but not with nvidia flex.

hi !
i love your plugins Vitory somuch
i want to know :
1- how to generate indivially navMesh for each type of AI-Character (can use different NavBounceVolumes !?)
2- AI-Character can jump (or do some action) at some points (extend nav point ?)

I facing a weird with CaptureComponent2D_SaveImage
It works flawlessly on windows and on ios! On though it creates an image that is upside down, like rotated 180 degrees…
Any idea why?

Hi, or anyone who knows, I tested in a blank project, added the plugin, and compiled from source, and I got these errors.

1>C:/Users/Admin/Documents/Unreal Projects/VictoryTest/Plugins/VictoryBPLibrary/Source/VictoryBPLibrary/Private/VictoryBPFunctionLibrary.cpp(4098): error C2665: 'operator new': none of the 9 overloads could convert  the argument types
1>  C:\Program Files\Epic Games\UE_4.23\Engine\Source\Runtime\Core\Public\Misc/MemStack.h(229): note: could be 'void *operator new(size_t,FMemStackBase &,int32,int32)'
1>  C:\Program Files\Epic Games\UE_4.23\Engine\Source\Runtime\Core\Public\Delegates/DelegateBase.h(256): note: or       'void *operator new(size_t,FDelegateBase &)'
1>  C:\Program Files\Epic Games\UE_4.23\Engine\Source\Runtime\Core\Public\Containers/SparseArray.h(1262): note: or       'void *operator new(size_t,const FSparseArrayAllocationInfo &)'
1>  C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Community\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.16.27023\INCLUDE\vcruntime_new.h(184): note: or       'void *operator new(size_t,void *) noexcept'
1>  C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Community\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.16.27023\INCLUDE\vcruntime_new.h(71): note: or       'void *operator new(size_t,const std::nothrow_t &) noexcept'

I don’t think is yet a working version of 4.23. Just checking if there is another version out there that people are using that is error free on compile?
I also tried the download link from the 1st page. Same errors.


Well I didn’t know how to fix it so i just commented out the offending function in .h and .cpp, and that gets me going.

    UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Category = "Victory BP Library|Load Texture From File",meta=(Keywords="image DDS"))
    static UTexture2D* LoadTexture2D_FromDDSFile(const FString& FullFilePath);

Greetings everyone,
I have been trying to figure out how to get the vertex snapping and other editor features to work and there is a ton of information that I cannot tell what I need to do. I can see the plugin and blueprints, but I do not see the other features that were described in the wiki, A new, community-hosted Unreal Engine Wiki - Announcements - Epic Developer Community Forums.
Just for clarification as it seems plugin has been through a lot of iterations… I need to install the package to the engine directory. Do I also need something per project, or no? I would think not, but I wasn’t sure if there is some other piece I need here. I tried to edit the DefaultEngine.ini as described and it causes it to crash on load. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.

Hi,I want screenshot with a camera , so i use captureScene2DComponent. But when i use CaptureComponent2d_SaveImage() to Save Image to disk,the image is so dark ,i spend a lot of but can’t resolve it ,can you help me, thank you


Yes, it is missing in the first post

I’d like to report a bug that causes using widget functions to crash applications. Like Get widget of class , etc.
(using version for 4.23 on 4.23.1)

Can your “Instanced Static Mesh Editor” or “Vertex Snap Editor” plugin show/manipulate translate/rotate/scale widget in runtime (in game mode)?

Hello ,

I was trying to implement a way for the user to upload images from their drive to a local folder in the contents folder.
I’m attempting to do by using 3 functions from your library:
UVictoryBPFunctionLibrary::Victory_LoadTexture2D_FromFile to
UVictoryBPFunctionLibrary::Victory_GetPixelFromT2D to
​​​​​​​ UVictoryBPFunctionLibrary::Victory_SavePixels

Here it is in Blueprint:

And here are the code snippets:
My implementation of UVictoryBPFunctionLibrary::Victory_LoadTexture2D_FromFile:

UTexture2D * ULSI_FilePickerLibrary::LSI_LoadTextureFromFilePixels(const FString & FullFilePath, EJoyImageFormats ImageFormat, bool & IsValid, int32 & Width, int32 & Height, TArray<FLinearColor>& OutPixels)

    IsValid = false;
    UTexture2D* LoadedTexture = nullptr;

    IImageWrapperModule& ImageWrapperModule = FModuleManager::LoadModuleChecked<IImageWrapperModule>(FName("ImageWrapper"));
    TSharedPtr<IImageWrapper> ImageWrapper = ImageWrapperModule.CreateImageWrapper(GetImageFormat(ImageFormat));

    TArray<uint8> RawFileData;

    if (!FFileHelper::LoadFileToArray(RawFileData, *FullFilePath))
        return nullptr;

    if (ImageWrapper.IsValid() && ImageWrapper->SetCompressed(RawFileData.GetData(), RawFileData.Num()))
        const TArray<uint8>* UncompressedBGRA = nullptr;
        if (ImageWrapper->GetRaw(ERGBFormat::BGRA, 8, UncompressedBGRA))
            LoadedTexture = UTexture2D::CreateTransient(ImageWrapper->GetWidth(), ImageWrapper->GetHeight(), PF_B8G8R8A8);

            if (!LoadedTexture)
                return nullptr;

            Width = ImageWrapper->GetWidth();
            Height = ImageWrapper->GetHeight();

            void* TextureData = LoadedTexture->PlatformData->Mips[0].BulkData.Lock(LOCK_READ_WRITE);
            FMemory::Memcpy(TextureData, UncompressedBGRA->GetData(), UncompressedBGRA->Num());


    IsValid = true;
    return LoadedTexture;


My implementation of UVictoryBPFunctionLibrary::Victory_GetPixelFromT2D:

bool ULSI_FilePickerLibrary::LSI_GetPixelsFromText2D(UTexture2D * T2D, int32 & TextWidth, int32 & TextHeight, TArray<FLinearColor>& PixelArray)
    if (!T2D)
        return false;


    T2D->SRGB = false;
    T2D->CompressionSettings = TC_VectorDisplacementmap;


    FTexture2DMipMap& MyMipMap = T2D->PlatformData->Mips[0];
    TextWidth = MyMipMap.SizeX;
    TextHeight = MyMipMap.SizeY;

    FByteBulkData* RawImageData = &MyMipMap.BulkData;

    if (!RawImageData)
        return false;

    FColor* RawColorArray = static_cast<FColor*>(RawImageData->Lock(LOCK_READ_ONLY));

    for (int32 x = 0; x < TextWidth; x++)
        for (int32 y = 0; y < TextHeight; y++)
            PixelArray.Add(RawColorArray[x* TextWidth + y]);

    return true;


My implementation of UVictoryBPFunctionLibrary::Victory_SavePixels:

bool ULSI_FilePickerLibrary::LSI_SavePNGtoFile(const FString & FullFilePath, int32 Width, int32 Height, const TArray<FLinearColor>& ImagePixels, bool sRGB, FString & ErrorString)
    if (FullFilePath.Len() < 1)
        ErrorString = "No File Path";
        return false;

    FString NewAbsoluteFolderPath = FPaths::GetPath(FullFilePath);
    if (!CreateDirectory(NewAbsoluteFolderPath))
        ErrorString = "Folder could not be created, cheack read/write permissions-: " + NewAbsoluteFolderPath;
        return false;

    TArray<FColor> ColorArray;

    for (const FLinearColor& Each : ImagePixels)

    if (ColorArray.Num() != Width * Height)
        ErrorString = "Error: height x width is not equal to the total pixel array length.";
        return false;

    FString FinalFileName = FPaths::GetBaseFilename(FullFilePath, false);
    FinalFileName += ".png";

    TArray<uint8> CompressedPNG;
    FImageUtils::CompressImageArray(Width, Height, ColorArray, CompressedPNG);

    return FFileHelper::SaveArrayToFile(CompressedPNG, *FinalFileName);


However after testing these, of my tests say nothing is going wrong, it makes it through the blueprint without error, and through the code as well, and everything appears to be working correctly, but there is no new .png file created in the directory. Upon further inspection of your source code I found that you have a comment that says that at some point these functions did not work for unknown reasons. Are they still not working or have you fixed that? If so, what have I wrong?

​​​​​​​ credit for implementation will go to you of course.

if you just want to move a file into the content folder of the project, why not use a file copy on the system? As of what your code does it is overcomplicated and slow compared to just a file copy

Didn’t realize I could do that, I’ll give that a shot

Is there a way to do that without source control? is a local project and I’m the only one working on it.


I don’t know why Unreal does not expose file operations to Blueprint, but might have reasons, eg. that Mods created with Blueprint are not able to damage the filesystem.

As of Unreal 4.23 Unreal has exposed SourceControl functionality to Blueprint. MAYBE that works for you. Not sure what a Copy File would actually do in case.

Yes I found those, but I’m not using any source control on project as I am the only one working on it. So it is local. Do you know of anyway to do with local files, so I don’t have to enable source control for .