(39) 's Extra Blueprint Nodes for You as a Plugin, No C++ Required!

That’s true, but unfortunately, when you work on projects you started when you didn’t know anything, it is very hard to remove the dependencies on library.

Hey everyone,

I’m currently using plugin for my upcoming project. Everything works fine on Windows, but after migrating it over to Mac I’m running into a strange error that I am unsure how to fix. XCode throws error everytime I load up a level or open a blueprint, even a blank one:

[2019.03.29-13.42.39:998][170]LogMac: Assertion failed: Assertion failed: NewOperatorInputA [File:/Users/build/Build/++UE4+Release-4.16+Compile/Sync/Engine/Source/Editor/BlueprintGraph/Private/K2Node_CommutativeAssociativeBinaryOperator.cpp] [Line: 287]

Reason I believe VictoryPlugin is causing is due to researching the and seeing a couple other Answerhub queries about it, and also a post in very thread. Engine version is 4.16, which I realize is a bit old, but unsure why it wouldn’t work anyway. I’ve also attempted disabling the plugin but the persists.

Hi there! Any news on when we will be getting a 4.22 release? thanks!

@ ^ can you do us a 4.22 build :smiley:

4.22 Is Live!

Dear Community,

4.22 is live, enjoy! You can also find link in the initial post :slight_smile:

I have also updated Github :slight_smile:

Victory to You!


Dear , Get current OS not work with android :C Any help? Or its not supported?

Hi, , Please HELP:

I can’t compile my project anymore with VictoryBPLibrary . Everything was normal before. I make some cosmetic changes on the level and can’t build it. There are many errors with chrono and ratio files (VS folder). log attached.

please give some advice what can I do?

ps: solved , don’t update windows 10 sdk Error C4668: "__cplusplus" not defined - C++ - Epic Developer Community Forums

I’m using 's victory plugin with ue4 version 4.12 for the ability to rebind keys… However its NOT saving the re-binded keys after exiting the game.

Or maybe its possibly using default keys on startup? (and not looking at the correct place to find the newly rebinding key file?) but I tried deleting the input.ini file to make sure its not using that

Not sure if matters… but is a packaged game using 32bit Development build.

I noticed a RebindingIinput.ini file ( in the \Saved\Config\WindowsNoEditor directory) but not sure if that is doing anything because after I rebind keys in game it doesn’t seem to modifiy the file date on RebindingInput.ini file)

Any suggestions on how to find out where is going wrong? Thanks

Working fine for me + cook/build working. However there’s a few warnings:

LogClass: Warning: FLevelStreamInstanceInfo::Location is not initialized properly
LogClass: Warning: FLevelStreamInstanceInfo::Rotation is not initialized properly
LogClass: Warning: BoolProperty FLevelStreamInstanceInfo::bShouldBeLoaded is not initialized properly
LogClass: Warning: BoolProperty FLevelStreamInstanceInfo::bShouldBeVisible is not initialized properly
LogClass: Warning: BoolProperty FLevelStreamInstanceInfo::bShouldBlockOnLoad is not initialized properly
LogClass: Warning: FLevelStreamInstanceInfo::LODIndex is not initialized properly
LogClass: Warning: BoolProperty FVictoryInput::bShift is not initialized properly
LogClass: Warning: BoolProperty FVictoryInput::bCtrl is not initialized properly
LogClass: Warning: BoolProperty FVictoryInput::bAlt is not initialized properly
LogClass: Warning: BoolProperty FVictoryInput::bCmd is not initialized properly

Sorry… but still need to fix somehow…

Not sure if its the Victory Plugin not loading up whatever rebindings were changed when game is first started or if it something else?

If I rebind a key to something else it works great (even can change maps, etc.) until the game exits and restarts then any rebindings are not used and everything back.

I tried deleting input.ini and rebindinginput.ini but still not loading any newly created rebindings at start of game.

I know if you add bindings to input.ini it will use those… (possibly overriding anything created by the victory plugin… so I deleted/emptied it to make sure)

Are you not allowed to rebind keys using a 32bit Development build? (will it always use whatever the editor rebinding default was set at?)

If anyone knows anything about or where the rebindings are stored, or any way to check where might not be working… please let me know - I can also give you a free steam key to the game (Bloodlust: Nemesis) if you think looking at the directory structure would help find where the rebindings are stored, etc.


Can you update node : “Victory Get Custom Config Var String”
to be able to target a custom ini file (not the default game.ini), would like a path to a custom file.
For the moment I use “File IO” node but there is a lot of manipulation string to achieve what i want : just read/write a variable in DefaultEngine.ini
Thanks !!!

Hey everyone!
I have a problem with two 's nodes and AI Perception,
I use the nodes “get generic team ID” on a pawn, it return 255 (that’s normal i think) but if i “set generic team ID” to 0, it is always 255? Set generic team ID isn’t working?
I have the interface to do that but no idea why it isn’t working! Only use: Event tick > set generic team ID (0). But get generic team ID is still 255…

Thank’s for your help it will be very appreciated!!

Same warning here

That just means that the struct does not have default values for those. 422 seems to log now. Unless something else has changed i don’t think will cause you any issues. :slight_smile:

After updating to 4.22.1 my project is crashing on startup. Can someone help me out?

Call stack is here:

Edit: I identified the crash was being caused by alright rig plugin but I dont know how to fix it yet. Disabling the plugin allows me to open my project but now I cant edit animations :frowning:

Would you mind awfully compiling for 4.22.2 please? UE’s moaning about version incompatibility.

Hey first off thank you for an amazing plugin! Just wondering is it working with Android, used it and packaged for and doesn’t seem to be working. Any ideas? Thanks again :slight_smile:

Still getting error “LogPluginManager: Warning: Plugin ‘VictoryBPLibrary’ is not compatible with the current engine version (4.22.0)” when trying to open engine version 4.22.2.

Will be testing 4.22 now…

Hi , and thanks for such a great plugin!

I wondered if anyone would have some advice: I installed the plugin for 4.22 like two weeks ago, I had some doubts but it even works for 4.00.2!
What I needed was a way to move and rename a screenshot, so I discovered the ‘Screen Shots Rename Move Most Recent’ node, which is perfect and does just that!

Playing with it for some , linking it to my other nodes, it works well! Except when I package my project as Develoment or Shipping, then the node won’t work. Actually it will half work because it still manages to create a folder following a custom naming, but won’t manage to rename and move the screenshot.

So I investigated some things, I tought it may have to do with the default Screenshots folder maybe. The node knows whatever default Screenshots folder I use while I’m in Unreal - but I guess it’s lost at runtime and can’t seem to see any other folder than the ‘default’ default folder, which would be something like C:\Users(User name)\AppData\Local(Project Name)\Saved\Screenshots\WindowsNoEditor

But even that ‘default folder’ will stay empty – I manage to create new folders inside, but no screenshot goes there in the first place, so no screenshot is moved either.

An other question for those who know would be, where exactly is the Screenshots folder location at Runtime?
Maybe I forgot something, does anyone know if I’m doing something wrong?

Thanks !