(39) 's Extra Blueprint Nodes for You as a Plugin, No C++ Required!

Epic is Aware of the Content-Only Plugin

Dear Community,

Marsh of Epic has replied to me about the Plugin!

They are aware of it!

Featured Node

Trace for Closest Socket

Perform a trace against a mesh that will identify the closest socket to the trace hit location on the mesh!


Dear Everyone,

node gives you the distance from a point in space to the surface of a static mesh actor!

First day with the engine, switching over from mostly Unity. I’ve already bookmarked your entire signature, then browsing the forums I come into thread and see these additional nodes with source and everything! Your contributions to the community are definitely appreciated!


Will your plugins work with the 4.4 release? or will they require some updates?

Wohoo! Glad to help out!

Great to hear from you!

Welcome to UE4!


I have to update my plugin each new engine version comes out :slight_smile:

I will update it when 4.4 is officially released :slight_smile:

Get Current Operating System


Get Milliseconds/Seconds/Minutes/Hours Passed Since Previous Recorded!

These two nodes can be used to

  1. obtain the current local Operating System for your computer.

  2. obtain the amount of milliseconds/seconds/minutes/hours that have passed since the you recorded for the first node! You can stores as many times as you want! They are simply stored as a string!

You can use these two nodes to record down to the sub-millisecond the amount of passing between game events!

**The milliseconds portion is a float, so you can record far smaller than 1 millisecond!

In the attached picture I record the amount of real-world between two key presses :slight_smile:


Two New BP Nodes

Selection Box / Marquee / Drag Select


Project World Location into HUD / Screen Space!

From anywhere!!!

These are static BP library functions you can use literally anywhere!

Most likely you will want to use the Selection Box code in your HUD class, and get the initial click point / anchor point and then the drag point to plug into my BP Node.

My Selection Box node has an optional class filter if you only want your drag-select box to select certain types of actors.


44+ Extra BP Nodes For You!

No c++ required!

No compile required!

Download and plug in!


**New Node

Add To Actor Rotation

is for adding to an Actor’s rotation in World Space.

uses a quaternion based solution that still accepts an FRotator,

and increments an actor’s rotation!

Try using node if you are having any gimbal lock issues!



! You are a rockstar!

Good stuff, Thanks for the heads up!

@, would you be interested in integrating these two plugins I made? I doubt I’ll be able to keep up with the changing versions in order to keep them updated, and they sort of fit the theme of your BP library already.

If you want, I can even submit a pull request with the changes, though it would also be very easy to just swipe them off of Github an add them directly to your source.

(Both of these are compiled/set up against 4.3.1, just for reference.)


Thanks for your awesome plugin! I figured I should contribute back anything useful and self-contained I make considering how awesome the community here is about sharing.

How the heck did i miss those? :eek: Brilliant plugins!

Thanks :smiley: I haven’t really posted much about them (though I did put a thread up for the Ogg loader plugin in the WIP section). In particular the texture load was something I whipped up at the request of someone on Reddit (credit goes to Ehamloptiran for the meat of the code), though I had been thinking of making one for a bit (want to do a VR comic book reader).

To improve them (and some of is beyond my capabilities) it would be awesome to make it so they’d support more file formats - for the sound loading, it’s .ogg only, and for the texture loading, .dds only. Ideally they’d be able to take .mp3/.flac and .png/.jpg/.tga, respectively.

Edit: I think I’ve found a semi-decent way of getting in some mp3 support for the loading plugin, but I’ll have to do a bunch more work on it. It’s something I definitely need if I’m going to sell my VR audiobook player.


I just finished upgrading plugin to 4.4!

How do you want your name to appear in the credits on the function comment / tooltip for you?

Contributed by ?


Victory BP Library and Vertex Snap are Upgraded to 4.4

Both of my plugins that are in the download in the original post,

are now updated to 4.4 !

**4 Nodes Contributed by

Load Texture 2D From File!

Load Sound Wave From File!

Play Sound From File at Location

Play Sound Attached From File!**

Thanks !

PS: of is up to 4.4 now!

, you should contact Epic to change your forum name to Awesome. Or they should make a unique awesomeness banner for you!

@ - is right, you’re awesome!

Thanks for the credit - additional credits to Ehamloptiran for his DDS load to Texture2D example, and keru for his Ogg to SoundWave example, and of course you for your BP library plugin example :smiley:

I feel like I’m window shopping when I read through these BP nodes.