TMaps, Mapping Two Data Types Together In BP!
's Blueprints TMap Solution!
I’ve now made a BP TMap solution!
TMap is a data structure that is not yet exposed to BP, but I’ve made a component-based solution for you so that you can use TMaps in BP!
**What's a TMap?**
Really it's name is "Map" and T is the class specifier in C++, but I tend to call them TMaps since Map is a rather generic word.
A TMap is a data structure based on Key,Value pairs, where for any Key there is only one Value.
allows internal data structure look up times that are much faster than a regular dynamic array.
also allows for the association of dissimilar data types in a way that you organize.
For example, you can map a set of integers to a set of Vectors, so that each integer is related to exactly one vector.
Or, as I provide you with in my plugin, you can **relate a String to an Actor**!
means you can look up an Actor reference via a simple string input!
Or you can look up Vector data based on String data!
**The primary use of TMaps is for efficient lookup of data**, which dynamic arrays simply cannot do because there is no guarantee or assumption with dynamic arrays of anything like a key,value where each key has only 1 value.
**The rules of TMaps allow for efficient look up to speed up your game flow!**
Actor Component
My solution is component-based, which means you can have per-instance TMap data for your game’s actors!
You simply add my Victory TMap Component to any actor you want!
I used the My Character blueprint in my own tests!!!
You can use literally any actor you want, or make a new actor BP whose only role is to house the TMap Component
**Supported Types**

**Supported TMap Functions**

Additional TMap Combinations
If you find that you cannot use my existing set of TMap Combinations to fulfill your game’s needs, let me know by posting in thread and I can add additional TMaps to the component.
**Per Instance**
Remember that what I providing you with is a component-based solution, so you can add TMap data to as many actors in your game as you want, and have per-instance variations in the data contained therein!
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