BP Node to Get Your Computer’s IP Address!
Dear Community,
I’ve finally succeeded at implementing a node that many have been trying to implement since the Beta!
is a BP node that gets the IP address of your computer!
My node relies on http://api.ipify.org, a free and easy way to get your current IP address.
Because node involves an HTTP request I can’t make it a static library node, so I instead made a VictoryPC class that contains only functionality.
You can easily re-parent your current player controller blueprint to use my plugin VictoryPC class!
and if you are not using a PC already, make sure to go to World Settings and use my VictoryPC as your player controller!
As long as my Victory BP Library is an active plugin for you, then VictoryPC class will show up!
Now we can get the IP address of the local computer for use with multiplayer games or webserver activities!
Here’s the setup you should create in your Blueprinted version of my VictoryPC!
**C++ Source Code For You**
Here is the C++ source code I wrote just earlier today!
bool AVictoryPC::VictoryPC_GetMyIP_SendRequest()
FHttpModule* Http = &FHttpModule::Get();
return false;
return false;
FString TargetHost = "http://api.ipify.org";
TSharedRef < IHttpRequest > Request = Http->CreateRequest();
Request->SetHeader("User-Agent", "VictoryBPLibrary/1.0");
Request->SetHeader("Content-Type" ,"text/html");
Request->OnProcessRequestComplete().BindUObject(, &AVictoryPC::HTTPOnResponseReceived);
if (!Request->ProcessRequest())
return false;
return true;
void AVictoryPC::HTTPOnResponseReceived(FHttpRequestPtr Request, FHttpResponsePtr Response, bool bWasSuccessful)