(39) 's Extra Blueprint Nodes for You as a Plugin, No C++ Required!

Hi, i found problem in “Load String Array from file”. Patch cant read string if there is characters inside like āšģķīļūņžē e.c.
Is there any way how to fix that?

Hi there, thanks for the video! Explains the very clearly :slight_smile:

Under the hood I am using Epic’s function:


I presume the characters you are entering are not getting converted correctly within function.

I could try using a different function, which seems like it would support your character set better:

	 * Load a text file to an FString.
	 * Supports  combination of ANSI/Unicode files and platforms.
	 * @param Result string representation of the loaded file
	 * @param Filename name of the file to load
	 * @param VerifyFlags flags controlling the hash verification behavior ( see EHashOptions )
	static bool LoadFileToString( FString& Result, const TCHAR* Filename, uint32 VerifyFlags=0 );

However it only loads to a single string, I would need to parse the file myself into an array.

I can work on doing at my next availability :slight_smile:

New Nodes for Mathematical Planes! Create Plane, PointDistanceToPlane, and IsPointInPlane!

Dear Community,

I’ve added some new nodes to make working with Planes (math structure) easier in Blueprints!

Using my new Create Plane BP node you will find it very easy to construct planes for use with Draw Debug Plane and Project Point to Plane, etc!

I’ve also given you a very easy coplanarity test via IsPointOnPlane!


**Latest plugin download on the UE4 Wiki: (7.16 mb) **

**Plugin Release Dates and UE4 Engine Versions**

Victory Plugin Binaries for Packaged Games

**Victory Plugin on Media Fire**

Please note the mediafire version includes both the editor and packaged game binaries in the same file ♥ 


Donations can be sent to me via:



Hey! I love your work. But I have a problem, I’ve gone back to using UE4.7.2, and found that Victory was deleted when I installed new versions of UE4. So I downloaded Victory again to put back into 4.7.2 and activated it, but now the project I was working on won’t open, as the “modules are missing or built with a different engine version” and there is no line in any config file referencing Victory at , I may have used a Victory blueprint node, but no matter what I do I can’t open my project! I’ve looked at the release date for 4.7.2 and downloaded Victory from https://wiki.unrealengine.com/File:VictoryPlugin.zip that matches the date, but it still is wrong.

Welcome to the forums Scruffy!

I would recommend you use 4.10 engine version with my latest plugin release, so that you can open the project, and then find the nodes. Is there a reason you have to stay on 4.7.2 ?

Good luck!

**Get Closest Actor Of Class In Radius of Location

Get Closest Actor of Class In Radius of Actor**

These nodes are great for use with AI calculations!

**Latest plugin download on the UE4 Wiki: (7.91 mb) **


First of , absolutely love plug-in, has made my life sooo much easier!
Just wanted to mention something with the Real World nodes. The Get Current OSTime node return string doesn’t include milliseconds, yet if I append the return string to include .<milliseconds> the Get Passed Since Previous node accepts it and works as intended, outputting the passed in milliseconds. Was it intentional to not include milliseconds in the Get Current OSTime? If so, might be worth mentioning how to include it manually in the description since it took me longer than I’d like to admit to figure out that was the problem.

Hi, just to let you know the plugin you made for me has now seen action on TV! So thanks for that. A small question - does your ip node get the ip on the local network or the internet? (I need to get the local one)

Thanks again!

Hi there!

Welcome to the forums!

The UE4 function itself declares that it does not return milliseconds:

	 * Returns the string representation of  date using a default format.
	 * The returned string has the following format:
	 *		yyyy.mm.dd-hh.mm.ss
	 * @return String representation.
	 * @see Parse, ToIso8601
	CORE_API FString ToString() const;

Yet, as you say, the parsing function which takes the string accepts it if milliseconds are added onto the end.

For the sake of the node itself it makes more sense if the string includes the milliseconds :slight_smile:

BP node Update

So I’ve updated my BP node!

FString UVictoryBPFunctionLibrary::RealWorldTime__GetCurrentOSTime( 
	int32& MilliSeconds,
	int32& Seconds, 
	int32& Minutes, 
	int32& Hours12,
	int32& Hours24,
	int32& Day,
	int32& Month,
	int32& Year
	const FDateTime Now = FDateTime::Now();
	MilliSeconds = 		Now.GetMillisecond( );
	Seconds = 			Now.GetSecond( );
	Minutes = 				Now.GetMinute( );
	Hours12 = 			Now.GetHour12( );
	Hours24 = 			Now.GetHour( ); //24
	Day = 					Now.GetDay( );
	Month = 				Now.GetMonth( );
	Year = 				Now.GetYear( );
	//MS are not included in FDateTime::ToString(), so adding it
	//The Parse function accepts if MS are present.
	FString NowWithMS = Now.ToString();
	NowWithMS += "." + FString::FromInt(MilliSeconds);
	return NowWithMS;

It will be in my next release :slight_smile:

Wohoo! Congratulations ! :slight_smile: Victory BP Library and your project on TV!!

The IP node is for actual internet IP, because it relays to http://api.ipify.org to find out your ip address

When you say you want to get your local ip address, isn’t that going to be ?

Config Suite of BP Nodes

’ Suite of Custom Config Section BP Nodes!

Using my suite of Config BP nodes, you can create as many of your own custom config file sections as you want!

You can both create and retrieve ini variables with any name and fundamental type that you want!

**Supported Types:**


Why Use a Config Var?

Config vars have several benefits

  1. Persistent data storage without using a SaveGame struct or GameInstance, store simple quantities of data and player customization way! Data is stored between level loads and even after the current instance of the game is shut down.

So in way config vars have greater persistence than the GameInstance class!

  1. Player-Driven Customization, Players of your game can tweak the config vars that you make available for them on their hard disk, by editing the .ini file directly, just like AAA games! is the most significant advantage of using config files, and their real core purpose. :slight_smile:

  2. Simplicity, simpler to use than the BP SaveSystem (which is quite wonderful by the way), but not quite as powerful in that you can only store basic data types, not UObjects and Actors.

  3. **Organization, **you can create as many config header sections as you want using my nodes, organizing your custom settings way!


 of your custom created config vars and sections are stored in:


Players can navigate to  location on their harddrive to edit your ini files just like any AAA game would allow!

Here's what my **Game.ini** file looks like after running some tests!




VectorVar=X=1.000 Y=2.000 Z=9000.123
StrVar=Yay For Custom Config Vars!!!


**Now you have fully featured ability to use config variables entirely in BP!**

PS: Here's example usage!


**Latest plugin download on the UE4 Wiki: (7.16 mb) **

Plugin Release Dates and UE4 Engine Versions

**Victory Plugin Binaries for Packaged Games**

Victory Plugin on Media Fire

Please note the mediafire version includes both the editor and packaged game binaries in the same file :heart:


Donations can be sent to me via:



No, I mean like a - the address the router gives on the LAN. I’m running some software using the brilliant TouchOSC app on my phone or iPad to drive commands in unreal. The downside is I need to configure the app with the right target address and port in order to talk to the engine and vice versa. Getting the ip would be good to save the operator from having to run ipconfig to get the details.

, I love your work but I have a request – if you really want to win the Internet, you’ll make these for everyone:
Thanks for your hard work! :slight_smile:

I’m not sure why you asked in thread, effect has nothing to do with what provides here. What you are asking him for is to make a graphical effect and the framework to use it.
is something you make yourself or hire someone to do it for you, since it’s a fairly specific . It’s not something which would fit into 's BP plugin.

Create your own topic and ask nicely, someone might do it for you. The UE4 community is generally very helpful, so it’s worth a try.

Objectively, it’s not so much an effect request than a request for the ability to modify triangles or texels via a BP node. Sounds pretty good to me.

I see now, watching the video suggested for me you were asking for the whole effect rather than a specific utility used to create that. Now that you formulated it it does make sense asking for it here, sorry for my confusion ^^

How do you correctly unload? I am trying to do “Unload Stream Level”. If I do <LEVELNAME>VictoryInstance<INSTANCENUMBER> Unreal crashes. If I do UED_PIE_0_<LEVELNAME>VictoryInstance<INSTANCENUMBER> it does not unload. Not sure if there is an equivalent Victory Unload I should be using instead.

I have an actor that I use to create my map instance and I store the string there so I can retrieve it later on “Event Destroyed”

How to Unload Level Instances

Thanks for helping out !

Welcome to the forums tundra_cooo!

So you mean the ability to paint on triangles of a mesh, for the blood effect, not the ability to warp them real-, right?

[FONT=Comic Sans MS]Welcome to the forums Scott Brown!

You dont have to store a string :slight_smile:

You should store a reference to the Level instance that is created, which I pass out of my Load Level Instance node.

Then when you are ready to unload that level, simply set the variable ShouldBeLoaded to false by dragging off of your saved reference to that level instance.


/** Whether the level should be loaded																						*/
	UPROPERTY(Category=LevelStreaming, BlueprintReadWrite)
	uint32 **bShouldBeLoaded**:1;

	/** Whether the level should be visible if it is loaded																		*/
	UPROPERTY(Category=LevelStreaming, BlueprintReadWrite)
	uint32 **bShouldBeVisible**:1;


It’s an uncommon design structure in UE4 to have it work way but it works great!**

And it wont ever crash, and will find the exact level instance that you want :slight_smile:


If returning and storing ‘FName(*UniqueLevelPackageName)’ from the streaming code,
he can as well use the ‘Get Streaming Level’ node with that map name attached to Package Name input and set Should be Loaded to false from there.


Now… to my problem: When i try to pack my project using File -> Package Project -> Windows -> Windows (64-bit) i got the following message:


  1. My “Build Configuration” is set to “Development”.

  2. I Downloaded “VictoryPlugin.zip” dated October 14th, 2015 from here A new, community-hosted Unreal Engine Wiki - Announcements - Epic Developer Community Forums and i’ve started using your AWESOME plugin with ZERO PROBLEMS in the editor version of my project (even if a run the project as “Standalone Game” trough the Editor Play Button).

  3. I’ve tried to pack my project and i got the above message, so… i’ve found that i need the “VictoryPluginPackaged.zip” and i downloaded it (dated October 14th, 2015) from the same link as above.

  4. I’ve copied the "VictoryPluginPackaged\Binaries" folder of the zip to merge with the "MyProject\Plugins\VictoryPlugin\Binaries" folder.

  5. When i try to pack my project i got always the same problem as above.

i’m working only with Blueprints and i don’t know how to write in C++, compile, recompile, etc.
I’ve seen you say “Because is a plugin, you dont have to do any code compiling and can use my BP nodes in a content-only project!” in the opening post… so… i guess i’m doing something wrong…

Any help? :slight_smile:

You just need to have VS installed, you don’t need to use any C++ in your project. So just install it and then it will work :slight_smile:

, any advice on how you would suggest us (users of plugin) to test our project in previews like 4.11 to find bugs in 4.11 before the stable version is released, since your plugin does not yet work with 4.11? And if I remove your plugin from my project, it crashes in startup, so that also won#t work… So at the moment I would have to manually remove nodes I use from your plugin first and then remove your plugin, then create a copy of project in 4.11 preview and then test it, but that would take ages since I use so many different nodes from your plugin everywhere and its probably impossible for me to find them …

Or do you know an easy way to find nodes from your plugin? I wish they would be named VictoryXYZ, but only some are.