(39) 's Extra Blueprint Nodes for You as a Plugin, No C++ Required!

Please dont use my plugin at the engine level, place it in your project level Plugins folder :slight_smile:

is correct, though other community members are welcome to update my plugin to branch or other versions and post it somewheres, I can’t do everything in the Universe by myself you know :slight_smile:

It’s odd to ask me to update to branch since branch is always changing! What are the odds that any two people even having the same version of Branch unless they both update several times a day?

For those who are not aware, Branch is Epic’s running branch of UE4 that has of the most up-to-date additions to the engine, and it is constantly being contributed to by Epic staff! I’ts great fun to watch and know what’s coming, but you can’t ask me to keep my plugin updated to be binary compatible with a version of the engine that changes many times per day :slight_smile:

**I welcome anyone to post preview build versions on the wiki and in thread! **

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