(39) 's Extra Blueprint Nodes for You as a Plugin, No C++ Required!

**New BP Node

Explode String!!!**

Node Description:

	* Contributed by: Mindfane
	* Split a string into an array of substrings based on the given delimitter.
	* Unlike ParseIntoArray() function which expects single character delimitters,  function can accept a delimitter that is also a string.
	* @param InputString - The string that is to be exploded.
	* @param Separator - The delimitter that is used for splitting (multi character strings are allowed)
	* @param limit - If greater than zero, returns only the first x strings. Otherwsie returns  the substrings
	* @param bTrimElelements - If True, then each subsctring is processed and any leading or trailing whitespcaes are trimmed.

Dear MindFane,

Your BP offering is very nice!

Anyone find it funny that I was taking requests to make new nodes and ended up getting a node from Mindfane instead? Hee hee!

I modified the node a little to return the FString array by reference, an important optimization for larger amounts of data.

node is now live in my Victory BP Library plugin!

Latest version can be downloaded from my original post!

Or here!
