Typing +/- In Blueprint Editor Always Causes Zoom

Just something I thought I would point out, since it has already occurred a copious amount of times while using the editor:

Regardless of where your mouse is focused (such as editing a node in its place), if you press + or -, it will zoom in or out. Great for navigating with the keyboard, I’m sure, but not so useful when typing in some parameters for a node (text box has focus).

Hi Zakku Arachi,

I was not able to reproduce the bug you are reporting following these steps:

  1. Open a UE4.14 project with Starter Content
  2. Open Blueprint_CeilingLight
  3. In the Construction Script, add Node: Collision: BoxOverlapActors
  4. Type numerous +'s and -'s into X Y and Z value fields
    RESULT: +'s and -'s fill value fields
    EXPECTED BUG: Camera to zoom in and/or out when + or - is typed in text field.

If this is does not represent how you are producing the bug you are reporting, please provide repro steps like these in order for us to recreate the issue on our end.

Also, please include your systems specs so that we are testing on a similar machine.



Ah, I forgot to mention I’m running Ubuntu 16.04. To better recreate the bug, add a [Print String] node and set the cursor focus on the string. Typing + or - in the box will trigger the zoom hot-keys, regardless of the text box having the focus.

Hey Zakku-

Thank you for submitting a bug report. I have reproduced this issue and logged a report for it here Unreal Engine Issues and Bug Tracker (UE-41178) . You can track the report’s status as the issue is reviewed by our development staff. Please be aware that this issue may not be prioritized or fixed soon.
