[BUG] WidgetInteraction TextBox


I am trying to make a umg world placed widget with a text box that has to be edited by receiving keyboard inputs. I followed the tutorial in the ue4 documentation (https://docs.unrealengine.com/…/H…/InWorldWidgetInteraction/).

Find a video in the following link with the process so anybody can check if I did something wrong. (- YouTube).

I also added a button to the widget for testing, and the button works well, but the text box is not receiving inputs other than special keys (numeric pad and weird symbol keys. With the numeric pad I can type letters, which is also weird, by the way). Later on I noticed that if I double right click on the text box then it starts working until I left click in any other widget.

This was working for me before the addition of the WidgetInteraction component in the 4.13.

may have something to do with this?

void SObjectWidget::OnFocusChanging(const FWeakWidgetPath& PreviousFocusPath, const FWidgetPath& NewWidgetPath, const FFocusEvent& InFocusEvent)

Thanks Rudy!

Hello ,

After taking a look at the issue mentioned above. This is a known issue that has been submitted to the developers for further consideration. I have provided a link to the public tracker. Please feel free to use the like provided for future updates.

Link: Unreal Engine Issues and Bug Tracker (UE-38590)

Make it a great day