4.14.3&4.15p2 BUG:Paticle does not work as expected on ios metal

When I test this particle in editor or in es3.1 preview,it works all fine.But when I package the game to ios (metal),the particle does not work as expected on ios10.2 iphone7plus.However,it works fine on galaxy s7e(7.1)with wulkan(ASTC).

Hi ,

When you say you tested a particle system could you elaborate on the settings and details? I need to create a similar asset to test with. Also, when you say the particle doesn’t work as expected what isn’t expected? I just need a quick description of the problem so I know what to look for.

It would be great if you could provide the particle system asset you used to test with so I can run the same test.


Sorry for that inconvenience.Actually,I have sent a test project to one of your staff via forum private message but he has not responded to me yet.Could you tell me the link of your private forum address,so that I can send you a copy? a lot!

Sure thing! https://forums.unrealengine.com/member.php?484739-Ed-Burgess

I noticed you had another issue requesting my forum page. When you send me your test assets be sure to label them so I know which post they go to. If it is the same asset then that is fine too.

Leave a comment letting me know when you have PM’d me just for my visibility. We are very busy and it can be pretty easy to miss things. :slight_smile:

I have PM’d you.Please have a look.!

Hi ,

I reproduced the particle issue and have logged a bug for it here: https://jira.it.epicgames.net/browse/UE-41779

The problem was that your texture resolution was very low on the device. This happened without metal so it seems to be a general IOS issue. If I had another asset (like a static mesh) that used the same textures it seemed like they wanted to stream in at the correct mip level. Kind of a weird work around but try it out and see if it works.

You can track the report’s status as the issue is reviewed by our development staff. Please be aware that this issue may not be prioritized or fixed soon.



This is not related to IOS and is the side effect of a limitation when textures are used both by staticmesh components and particle systems. What happens is that only the staticmesh drives the usage in that case.

This has been fixed in CL 3224416, which is included in 4.15, in particular you can look at the new implemetation of UPrimitiveComponent::GetStreamingTextureInfo() which allows the particle system to register itself correctly.

!Do you mean the fix is UE-41779?But I see that is marked been fixed in 4.16 not 4.15.However,I don’t use the texture on the staticmesh components.Since that you say it is not related to ios,I am wondering why Android vulkan and SM5 can actually renders well.


In the Jira there was a test project for repro. In that project at least, the texture was used on both a static mesh and particle system. This can be assessed by typing the command :

InvestigateTexture T_ky_dust02uni_4x4

Can you run a similar command, using the problematic texture name (instead of T_ky_dust02uni_4x4) when the issue is happening? Please post the logs here.

We have not heard back from you in a few days, so we are marking this post as resolved for tracking purposes. If you are still experiencing the issue you reported, please respond to this message with additional information and we will follow up.
