I updated to 4.14 from 4.12. “Vehicle Movement” no longer works with “Is Falling.” It worked perfect in 4.12. Won’t compile in 4.14.
Hello ,
Thank you for reporting this. It seems that between 4.13 and 4.14, UWheeledVehicleMovementComponent started inheriting directly from UMovementComponent instead of UNavMovementComponent. As you can see on the Is Falling node, the function was coming from UNavMovementComponent. This is why this function is missing now.
While the change of what classes UWheeledVehicleMovementComponent is inheriting from was intended, the loss of this functionality wasn’t. I’m currently looking to see if there are any other ways to get this functionality back with the current set up, but at the moment, I would suggest reverting to 4.12 or 4.13 until this can be figured out. I’ll let you know when we decide on a course of action.
I will stick with 4.12 for now. I really hope there will be a way to get this function back. The game I am creating has to have it to work right. I would hate to not be able to update to newer versions of unreal just because of this.
Hello ,
I apologize for the wait, a bug report has been entered for this issue which you can find here: UE-39508. As mentioned before, this is due to the inheritance changes. I’m not sure when the fix will happen but you should be able to track the progress there.
Thank you for the update. Can’t wait for this fix.
Any update on when this will be fixed?
As listed on the bug report’s page on the public bug tracker, this is currently marked as fixed. I’ll be verifying the fix soon but it’s currently marked to be included in the 4.15 release.