Hi, I’m trying to move from Matinee to Sequencer, but it seems you can’t do quaternion linear interpolations in Sequencer, thus making us to stick to Matinee as we have lots of spherical rotation transitions.
In our project, we rotate the directional light in Sequencer and strange rotations happen when you rotate different axis at the same time. With Quaternion interpolation, you can easily create this tweens in a logical way. Without it, it’s nightmarish.
Hi , trying to animate spherical movements (like rotating a directional light or a camera) without linear quaternion is an absolute nightmare, as you can end up with unexpected behaviors: depending on the angles you are working when you rotate on an axis another one will move as well. It turns something that should be done in seconds a chore that can take a lot of time and at the end it won’t look as good for the trained eye.
In our project we work a lot animating directional lights and cameras through sequencer, and so far the only solution is to keep working with Matinee for this elements, as we can use quaternions there. I think Sequencer should have this crucial option if matinee is supposed to be deprecated.
This is definitely on our to-do list. It has an internal label called “Matinee Parity”, which is on more than one bug/feature request. We don’t expect to fully deprecate Matinee until all of the issues with this label are resolved.