How to stop gamepad from controlling Editor Menus?

Good day,

Just a quick question on how one would disable a connected gamepad from simultaneously controlling the Editor’s menus during a Mobile Preview (PIE). For a regular New Editor Window (PIE), the gamepad will not affect the Editor.



I would like to know this, too. Even when testing in a standalone window, I can see my controller navigating the editor menu, and clicking on things if/when I press the right buttons. That’s just asking to have something accidentally deleted or worse. I’ve scoured the Editor and Project settings, and I haven’t been able to find it. It shouldn’t be this hard to find.

I would greatly appreciate if someone from Epic could let me know if there’s a setting that needs to be disabled. Currently the only way to avoid this is minimizing the Editor when you have launched a Mobile Preview (PIE).

Thanks for any assistance you can provide.


The interesting thing is it doesn’t always immediately control the Editor menus during a Mobile PIE session, however, when it does, the best thing I’ve found so far to stop it is to left mouse click inside one of the 3D viewports, then back onto you PIE window. Until Epic staff responds with instructions on how to disable it, there’s nothing more I can really do.

There’s also a possibility that the x360 emulator I’m using could be the culprit. If someone could test this with an official Xbox controller to verify, that would be great. Thanks!

What controller are you using? I’m using a PS3 controller that’s using XB360 drivers as a wrapper. So as far as Windows can tell, my controller is an XB360 controller, it doesn’t know any different. I can’t imagine the controller itself being the problem, because I haven’t configured Windows to use my controller as an OS navigation controller. The home button doesn’t even work because I disabled all OS functionality. It only works with games on my machine, but it navigates the menus in Unreal.

This is speculation on my part, but to me, that says the Engine is specifically allowing gamepad input. And if that’s the case, it should be possible to disable that somewhere in options, but I’ve searched high and low in both Editor Settings and Project settings, and haven’t been able to find anything.

Thanks GrayGhostOne for your response. I’m using a Logitech Rumblepad 2 with the TocaEdit Xbox 360 Controller Emulator. I noticed the left and right thumbsticks let you fly through the viewport like the WASD keys, which is actually kind of cool, but highlighting and opening menus accidentally is not desired behavior. :slight_smile: Thanks for checking! Hopefully we can find a solution.

Yeah, this is ridiculous behavior. Does anyone control the editor menus with the controller?

With my Xbox 360’s sensitive deadzone, the menu controls changing every now and then is frustrating to say the least. The only thing I have managed to disable is the viewport controls, which is nice, but the menu controlling really needs to go as well.

I’m certain that this is a bug that you are all experiencing. This never happens to me after pressing play and navigating the scene with an xBox/Windows controller.

I was able to reproduce part of this issue by focusing on the editor windows using mouse-click. After that, I can use the game controller to move focus from one window to another and even scroll up and down through the folder hierarchy but what happens there seems more random than anything else, I can’t actually access nested folders.

This doesn’t not affect me at all though once I’ve pressed “Play” The focus for my controller stays entirely within the active play area unless I specifically use the mouse to change focus to the Editor.

When using the controller to move around the various Editor areas, I can move up to the File drop-down menu and open it using the “A” button but I cannot move around in the drop-down menu nor can I activate any text entries or even close the menu once it’s been opened
This doesn’t seem at all like a feature, I’m sure it’s a bug and if it’s causing you any problems then you may want to consider filing a bug report so it can be fixed.

Thanks Marc for your reply. Yes, it probably is a bug, although the fact that a dashed-line highlight appears for the selected menu means using an alternate input device to control the editor must have been a deliberate feature added at some point. I haven’t noticed it as much lately because I haven’t been running a Mobile PIE session anymore; sticking to SM5 for now. However, I just checked again, and it does manifest itself quite frequently during Mobile PIE, especially if your “Standalone Window Size” settings are smaller than your monitor’s native resolution.

I’ve posted the bug report here:

Hey everyone; it turns out this is a bug, and was confirmed by Epic on the other thread. Be sure to vote on it here:

great, so how about completely disabling it in the editor while NOT in pie mode or whatever youre all blabbing about. touching the sticks moves a stupid blue highlight window around the panes and also controls the realtime viewport. how to disable this. dont bother wasting my time asking me why.