My project crashes before I can get into the editor

Hello everyone.

I just recently downloaded Unreal Engine 4.13.2 and tried to make a simple blank blueprint project to start practicing with.

Unfortunately, no matter what I do, when the loading screen to initialize my project comes up, it loads up to around 96%, and then shows me a Crash Reporter saying that they couldn’t launch my project. I have no idea what to do. I could try to copy/paste the diagnostics, but I’m not sure how useful that would be.

Please help.

Hey Augrunga,

I have a few questions regarding your crash:

  • Could you please cause the crash to occur again and provide the logs from your project’s Saved->Logs folder?
  • Are you getting a Crash Reporter window? If so, please provide your Machine ID from the window and ensure to hit Send & Close on the report.

Okay then. Here’s the crash log: link text

and MachineId:

After investigating, I’ve discovered that this is an issue with your OS version, and you’ll need to upgrade to 10.11.4 or newer.

Here is the link to the ticket we have in for reference: Unreal Engine Issues and Bug Tracker (UE-35509)

Have a great day