Installed builds fail in Simplygon modules

For the last few weeks, installed builds of the master and promoted branches have been failing for me with error messages similar to

ParallelExecutor.Execute: Module.SimplygonSwarm.cpp
ParallelExecutor.Execute: s:\Unreal\Engine\Master\Engine\Source\Developer\SimplygonSwarm\Public\SimplygonSwarmPrivatePCH.h(12): fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'ssf.h': No such file or directory

This can easily be solved by removing the SimplygonSwarm and SimplygonMeshReduction modules from the Engine/Source/Developer directory. (Or, probably, by conditionally compiling them, but I haven’t looked into this.) The problem happens only for BuildGraph-based builds started with the automation tool as described in the 4.13 release notes, not for builds with Visual Studio (either directly or as UnrealVS batch builds).

Hi Matthias,

Thank you for pointing this out. It looks like this is due to us including the UE implementation for Simplygon, but we do not currently disable the building of that implementation if Simplygon is not installed. I have entered UE-37269 to have this investigated further.

Many thanks for taking care of this. I built the 4.14 branch from GitHub today, and the installed build worked without any problems.