How to avoid initial mouse click after game start?

In my default startup map I load a UMG menu via the level BP. That works fine, I can use the menu and launch the game from them as intended.

However, before I can click on to a menu button, I need to click once into the game window. Thus only from the second click on the mouse cursor interacts with the game. It’s as if the window is not in focus or something like that.

Any ideas how to fix that in order to avoid the need for this first extra click?

You are probably using UE4 4.13

This is a known issue that was reported here: Unreal Engine Issues and Bug Tracker (UE-13053)

A workaround would be to call the BP function “Set Input Mode Game Only” it take the Player Controller as input, you can call it on event begin play in the level blueprint or in your player character’s blueprint

That worked, thanks a lot!

Thanks for that! I had same problem, and in addition, I had dragable camera and that initial click was like I’m already pressing LMB so camera was following from the beginning.