Can only launch editor from VisualStudio

I am experiencing problems with my project (C++). I can only launch the editor from VS (Ctrl+F5). If I try to launch the *.uproject file directly I do not get to see the editor, but only a crash report. Also, when I build in “Development_Editor” config, the editor crashes on startup even when launching from VS. I have submitted multiple crash reports about this issue and do not kno exactly, what other information I might have to provide to help. Feel free to ask :slight_smile:

Hey Cronk-

Can you provide the machine ID from the crash to help us look up the crash reports you’ve entered? Also, if you could post the log files from the crash for additional information, it may help indicate where the crash is occurring.


Logfile is attached

Hey Cronk,

After investigating this issue further, it appears that it is a known issue, UE-32001, that has been resolved internally. The fix will be available in a future release.

Have a great day

Alright, thanks for your time investigating this!