Anim BP - Runaway loop detected


Since we moved to 4.12, we experience some freeze on low end computer. In the loags we are seing this:

[2016.06.22-20.19.04:130][929]LogScript:Warning: Runaway loop detected (over 1,000,000 iterations) - see log for stack trace A_AnimBP_All_C/Game/Maps/areneAlpha.areneAlpha:PersistentLevel.MyPawn_C_17.CharacterMesh0.A_AnimBP_All_C_97 Function/Game/Prototype/A_AnimBP_All.A_AnimBP_All_C:ExecuteUbergraph_A_AnimBP_All:14AE

This can explain the “freeze”, but we can’t track it properly as the function is just a “adress” in cooked games. It doesn’t happen on a regular manner, we checked twice the animBP, and we have no loop, while, for and so on.

So does something have change in 4.12 (didn’t see anything in the release notes) ?

I don’t know if it’s a bug or not, but in all case, if you can help us to track this I will apreciate. To be honnest, looking at our event graph, I don’t see what can loop.
Does the locomotion can loop in the same frame? The one we ahve is close to Shooter Game one’s.


Ps: I found someone with the same issue, but no solution for the moment :

Hey Elvince,

Please send me some screenshots of your setup in your AnimBP and your CharacterBP (Event Graphs, AnimGraph, etc).


There is no Event Graph on the Character BP.

Here are the Anim BP information :

If you need more information plz ask. Thanks for your help.

Hey Elvince,

Can you PIE and use the debug filter in your AnimBP to see if anything appears to be firing constantly while you play?

I noticed the same problem when my character was about 5 minutes in one state (idle).

Hey gameDNA studio,

Can you expand on the circumstances surrounding it? I’ve been unable to track down a repro for this and would appreciate some additional input.

  1. Make Actor with Skeletal Mesh and AnimBP.
  2. Create AnimBP with state “Idle” and connected AnimSequence
  3. Place actor on the level
  4. Play game
  5. Make a cup of coffee :slight_smile:
  6. Come back after 5-10 minutes.
  7. Runaway loop detected…


Does gameDNA repro steps are good to repro the bug on your side?


Hey All,

Unfortunately I was unable to reproduce this on my computer, but it appears another one of our engineers has reproduced it and entered UE-33946.

That’s a good news. Thanks!