Additive Anim Type and Morph Targets are not working

After switching to UE 4.12 Preview, Animations containing Morph Curves are not correctly driving the Morph Targets of Skeletal Characters when set to “Additive Anim Type: Local Space/Mesh Space”

They work correctly in 4.11 and also when set to “Additive Anim Type: No additive”

Hey F4Q,

Thanks for reporting this. It appears fixed in 4.13, so I’ve reached out to one of our engineers to see if they know what fixed it and to try and get the fix integrated to 4.12.


Hi ,
thanks for looking into this.

I have made a few tests with the following behavior:
When opening a 4.11 project with the 4.12 the first time, the animation works as expected. When opening it for the second time, the animation stops working ever after.

I pulled the master 4.13 from github. It mysteriously shows the same behavior. So opening the project the first time, everything works as expected. Opening it again, prevents the animation from working correctly.

Hope this helps finding the bug.

For your reference I have created a small Testproject.

This drive folder contains two videos showing the behavior in 4.12 and 4.13 Master.
Plus 3 miniprojects for 4.11, 4.12 and 4.13.

Each project contains the most simple Skeletal Mesh with one MorphTarget and an additive animation driving that MorphTarget.


Hi F4Q,

I had already created test content for this, but thank you for offering it. Our engineers found a fix and are working on integrating it to 4.12. Thank you for reporting this.


Note that the bug is UE-30588 and the fix is now in 4.12 latest (not released yet)