Build fails due to date mismatch

Hello all,

I have a simple game project that I’m currently working and when I try to package it i get an error about a date mismatch.

I have unreal installed on my C:/ which is a SSD and all my projects are saved on my RAID.

If I move the project to my C:/ it builds fine.

I found a similar issue from a few years ago where the dev’s mentioned the issue would be fixed in the next version, but maybe it wasn’t.

any help resolving this would be good because I don’t want to transfer each project to my C:/ every time I want to package it.

Same thing here, the problem is that it was working a couple of days ago and today no way. I tried creating a new BP blank project and package it for windows and it doesn’t work.
I have success only if the project is saved locally on C: or any other internal HD.

I am on Windows 7 and an external NAS with RAID and Linux on it.

Hi CompositeInc,

Due to the large volume of questions and comments concerning the Engine, we did not have a chance to respond to your post at the time you submitted it. However, if you are still interested, the following AnswerHub post seems to address the same issue:

Build failed from external hard drive

And was reported fixed in UE-6819.

Please try packaging your project (or a test project from a blank, third person blueprint project) from UE4.12.5 and let me know if this issue is still occurring.



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