Get Hit Result Under Cursor by Channel - Bug

Hey guys,

Issue I’ve been having with the “Get Hit Result Under Cursor by Channel” node is that it randomly fails to hit anything.
As an example I have a large landscape in my scene and 99% of the time the node works correctly but then randomly no it hit nothing.

This is something I have played around with for a good few hours and it seams to be an issue with the node detecting the landscape actor very occasionally.

Any help would be appreciated.


Hi ,

This could be from a number of known issues:

UE-16432 - Trace from cursor sporadically returns false if camera is positioned over 1k uu from character and mouse is over a landscape

  • Current workaround is to sculpt the landscape slightly, it should pick up the collision at that point.

UE-11871 - Line traces don’t consistently trigger when colliding between landscape components

and UE-11821 - GetHitResultUnderCursor does not always return true with landscape collision

  • Unfortunately, this one looks as though the error is with PhysX accuracy and not something we can fix on our end.