How to change Build Configuration form Developement t DebugGame in editor?

Most unclear part of UE for me is how to change editor to use Debug from Developement and back. Sometimes it switches, when I change it in VS, but is it possible to change it by hand?

Yes you can, but I not tested see screen file

Yeah, thanks, that can be useful, but I was searching on how to switch configuration which is displayed in top right corner. But it looks like it is switched only when editor is run from visual studio.

Yes! In top right corner not updated info (i use UE 4.10.1), but you can check:

try change configuration in another place. Your project

Edit → Project Settings → Packaging → Build Configuration

Then when build see/find in Output Log window something like this

…UnrealBuildTool.exe Test Win64 DebugGame

Check! Hope this help!