Click for mouse control only works on last client

Click for mouse control only works on last client. Mouse is not catched in the window of the other clients but you have to hold down left mouse-button (which is bad in a running game if this is your fire button).

Steps to reproduce:
Create a third person template:
Start with 2 clients: Alt-Tab between the Client-windows: Click for mouse control only works on window of client 2
Start with 3 clients: Alt-Tab between the Client-windows: Click for mouse control only works on window of client 3

Works on all clients in 4.10.

Hello Neutronux,

I was able to reproduce this issue on our end. I have written up a report (UE-28378) and I have submitted it to the developers for further consideration. I will provide updates with any pertinent information as it becomes available. Thank you for your information and time.

Make it a great day

Any update? Bug still present on 4.15.1


I was able to reproduce a similar issue in the latest version of the engine. However, I was not able to reproduce the original issue mentioned on the thread. I have written up a new report for the issue that I found. I have provided links for the public tracker for both issues. Please feel free to use the links provided for future updates.

Link (original issue): Unreal Engine Issues and Bug Tracker (UE-28378)

Link (Second issue): Unreal Engine Issues and Bug Tracker (UE-44485)

Make it a great day