Physics problems in sublevels

Using a blueprint I created a ceiling fan with a motor driver and physics. It worked great in standalone, PIE as well as simulate.

However I recently broke my map into sublevels and now if ceiling fan asset is in a sublevel I get physics problems at start. It does not seem to mater if I have sublevel always loaded or if I use blueprints - Begin Play → Load Steam Level.

Oddly it still works ok if I simulate but if I PIE or standalone fan breaks. Here is a video:

Hi BarrettMeeker,

  • Is fan all one actor or is it separate parts within a single blueprint?
  • What steps can I take to reproduce this on my end?
  • Have you tried this in a clean, blank project with no additional content or is it limited to one project?
  • What physics settings are you using on fan?
  • How are you streaming in sublevel? Are any pieces of fan misplaced inside of a different sublevel or in persistent level if fan is in individual components?

Hi BarrettMeeker,

We have not heard from you in several days. I am marking this as answered for tracking purposes. If you are still experiencing this error, please comment with requested information.

Sorry for delay replying.

  1. Fan is all one blueprint actor.
  2. I’m not sure what you can do to reproduce it on your end, do you want me to send you my fan?
  3. I have tried it in a blank level but not a blank project.
  4. fan Blueprint uses two physics constraint components.
  5. I’ve tried using both “always loaded” and blueprint streaming for sublevels both seem to have same problem.

Here’s another video showing problem in a new level:

Thank you!

It may be best to post asset here with steps I can take to reproduce error on my end. I’ll be happy to take a look and see what may be occurring.

Ok here you go, I also just tried this in a fresh UE4.10 project and was able to replicate problem - placed in persistent level it works fine but in a sublevel using always loaded option (I did not try blueprint streaming in fresh project) it doesn’t work quite right.

I hope I packaged up asset correct so it works, should just be able to unzip into a project’s content directory I think.

Thank you!

link text

I was able to reproduce this on my end and have entered a bug report, UE-24573, to be assessed by development staff.

Wait what are you talking about? we were just talking about this yesterday. Please see above for attached file. Thank you.

Hi BarrettMeeker,

posted this before you replied. I have moved it up to comments to make it clearer. His answer below is actual answer: bug has been reported and we’ll let you know if we see an update on it.

Thank you!

Any idea when this might be address? It looks like it’s still an issue.

Hi BarrettMeeker,

I checked UE-24573 and this looks like it has been fixed in 4.12. Are you still seeing error in 4.12? Can you reproduce this in a clean, blank project with no additional content?

I’m also seeing this issue in 4.12 with physics constraints.

Edit: I was able to solve my problem by having mesh, essentially a swinging gate, set to not simulate physics by default, but instead begin simulating on an event which happens well after event begin play.

This bug still occurs in 4.14. Please do something with this.