Crash on trying to open Widget Blueprint

Hey! Randomly out of nowhere my client has started crashing as soon as I open a widget blueprint. Nothing I can do seems to fix it. New projects and known previously working other projects now won’t open widget blue prints :frowning:


link text

Managed to replicate this, figured out what it was causing the crash.

I had closed the Animation windows. Soon as I had saved, closed and then tried to open another? It crashes.
Reset layout to default restored things to normal.

Guess I’ll leave Animation there for time being! Hehe

Hello ,

This is a known issue (UE-23217) that has been submitted to the developers for further consideration. I have provided a link below to the original issue. Please feel free to follow that thread for future updates.

Link: Assertion failed: IsValid() File:D:\BuildFarm - UI - Epic Developer Community Forums

Make it a great day