Bullet replication problem. The players sees each other but does not see the bullet

Do you have pictures of the blueprint?

The blueprint for the bullet or for the character?

You should create the bullet only on server. If you set something to be replicated, you need to create it on server and then all the clients will see it.

Try to connect InputACtion Fire to a Custom event that runs only on server and then connect that custom event to the “Sequence” node

Yes, ofcourse. Could you send me the project, maybe? Because i’m unable to create a new project, right now.

I have never done this before can you show me how?

I’ll try to send you a smaller project with the same blueprints.

link text

Asked the permission to download it.

For create a bullet that everyone can see you need to create a new event typing “Add custom event”, then set it to run on server in the upper-right corner menu. After that you have to call that event when the player play the action “Fire”.

Thank you for the help.

No problem, tell me if this solved your problem

It worked fine :slight_smile:

Perfect. If this solved your problem accept the answer for tracking purpose, please.

PS: Don’t forget to set the “bullet” blueprint as “replicated” or it wont work