Crash when duplicating objects several times

I’ve updated to latest 4.8 release, and this still happens. I noticed it a while back. I have an object, I ctrl-w to duplicate it, move new one, hit ctrl-w again to duplicate again and Unreal freezes, and then crashes.

This may be related, but whenever I use alt key to drag a duplicate object in editor, editor crashes. This is reproducible probably 90% of time with particle emitters.


I’ve moved this post to Bug Reports section, since it’s a crash. Can you please find log after this crash occurs and /attach it here in a reply? You can find it in your project’s Saved\Logs folder. If you could also copy text in Crash Reporter and let us see that, I would appreciate it. Thanks!

Hey, I get this error as well. With ALT clicking on move gizmo to dupe static mesh.

finally had a chance to sit down this weekend to grab a crash report for this error, and naturally now i can’t reproduce it. steps to reproduce for my test were: start new project with starter content, migrate marketplace content into new project or import a speedtree asset. drag a particle effect into active level. alt drag particle effect and a crash would occur every time (even on editor restart). in case of speed tree, I would alt drag speedtree and only transform would duplicate. everything seems fine now though and i can’t reproduce any of this. on speed tree side of things, this is reminiscent of a bug in UDK where bringing in a speedtree asset required an editor restart before any mesh would actually show up. anyhow i’ll add more to this report if i find more related info.

Crash Log
crashed on duplicating a decal this time…so i guess bug is still active. log attached.

I can’t get it to crash again. Though last time it did it every time even after restart. My solution was to duplicate original object every time, not new duplicated one.

Hi Crayox and paradoc,

Thanks for log! There’s a known issue which causes a crash when ALT-dragging a deferred decal that was placed in level (UE-16897). This has already been fixed in our internal build, and shouldn’t be a problem in next full release (4.9).

Is this what everyone else was trying to duplicate? I’m going to resolve this issue for now, but if any other circumstances cause a crash please reply with crash log as requested above so we can make sure there isn’t anything else going on. Thanks!

I too…original bug is ctrl-w-ing static meshes.

As I said above in my comment, I have experienced it multiple times with Static Meshes.

Okay, good to know. Next time you get crash, please and attach log from your project’s Saved\Logs folder. Please also copy and paste information from Crash Reporter window. Thanks!