[BUG] "Self" pin disconnects if to restart a project

If I reload project the pin between addtoarray and self will disconnect.
I’m use latest version. I solved problem by add varibletoself between self and addtoarray and it’s a dirty fix.
The pin disconnects after reload project.
I found the this problem because I use also Child begin play and it’s try to cast self, get error and disconnect.

If you want to get this error, then you must create a child blueprint and in event graph connect begin play with parent begin play. Then spawn both in game and reload project.

Hey lbragimlvanov,

Which version of 4.8 Preview are you using? I’m currently in 4.8.0 Preview 4. I have set up a blueprint like yours, saved it and closed the whole project. Upon reopening the project, the self node was still connected to the add array. Please provide me additional information in order to better assist you, thank you. :slight_smile:

I’m use latest version. I solved problem by add varibletoself between self and addtoarray and it’s a dirty fix.
The pin disconnects after reload project.
I found the this problem because I use also Child begin play and it’s try to cast self, get error and disconnect.

If you want to get this error, then you must create a child blueprint and in event graph connect begin play with parent begin play. Then spawn both in game.


Thank you for providing me a bit more information. I was able to locate a bug that describes exactly what you’ve explained. It has not yet been fixed and it currently does not have an ETA listed. If you wish to reference this bug in the future, please refer to: UE-16433

Have a wonderful day!

We’re experiencing this too. +1 for a fix.

Our work around is to cast self to it’s own type. Seems to prevent the breakage. But we have to live with the warning it creates for now.