UE-14948 fixed only package from UnrelaEditor! Package from UnrealFrontend is not working!
Due to this build of dedicated server is not possible for my project…
You can reproduse the bug with latest 4.8 source and any clean blueprint template.
Can you tell me how you are packaging with the UnrealFrontend so I can try to reproduce this (ie, cook by book, on the fly, etc). A screenshot of your launch profile should be fine for this.
Cook: By the book
CookedPlatforms: WindowsServer
Package: Package & Store locally
Deploy: Do not deploy
All other settings left in default!
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Thank you. Can you also tell me what is the error you’re seeing? You say the build is not possible, does it fail? If that is the issue, can you include the output of the failed build to this thread?
UnrealFrontend does’t fail to build the project. The problem is when launching the resulting binary. The binary returns the following message: Plugin ‘OculusAudio’ failed to load because module ‘OculusAudio’ could not be found. Please ensure the plugin is properly installed, otherwise consider disabling the plugin for this project. I also try to disable the plugin and then it dosent find other plugins… In 4.8 p2 release notes i notice the bug (UE-14948) fixed. I think this is similar bug with UE-14948 but only when you package from UnrealFrontend.
The original issue was also about a failure in Unreal Frontend. However, I was able to reproduce your issue using your configuration, and I have entered another issue report for it. For your reference, it’s UE-16540. I will update here when I get more information on the status of the issue.
Thanks for your report!
I’ve gotten a workaround for you to try for this issue.Try this:
- Start the WindowsServer in UFE
- Use File → Package from the editor to make the client
- connect to the server
See if that helps!
Same problem here: Cannot open the project with my custom build for some reason:
I have to disable the plugin in the uproject file to load it in the editor, if I enable it again, the error reappears.
Hey ,
I have looked over the UE-16540, this was fixed in UE 4.8 therefore, you should no longer run into this issue. Also, UE-14948 is fixed, and has been fixed since 4.8 as well.
What version of the engine are you on?