There is a problem with deleted C++ classes, which are still visible in “All classes” and in Content Browser even if a class is already removed.
Steps to reproduce:
- Using today’s 4.8 branch source code from github. Compile it (VS2013, dev. editor, win64, all by default), start editor.
- New project->C+±>Basic code (template doesn’t matter), Desktop / Console, Maximum Quality, No Starter Content (though, I don’t think it’s matter), press Create Project.
- Re-open editor (why it’s do not reopen automatically??)
- Select created project. Rebuild UE4Editor-ProjectName.dll if message dialogbox appears. Waiting…
- Okay, here we go. File->New C++ Class. Choose Parent Class - Actor. Next. Create Class. Waiting…
- Okay, lets assume I made error and want to delete it. What I do (at least, steps which are obvious for me)?
6.1. Right Mouse Click on “MyActor” in content browser - delete is disabled (why?).
6.2. Right Mouse Click on “MyActor” in “All Classes” - no any popup at all. Okay, switch to Visual Studio, and delete MyActor.cpp/h there. Done. Also delete these files in project’s source folder. Done. Switch back to Editor. Press Compile. Compiles fine, but still, “MyActor” visible in content browser and also in “All classes”. Tried to find buttons like “Refresh assets” or something like this in content browser/all classes but no success. And only reloading project resolves this issue.
P.S. Please also let me know what’s status of UE-15769 and UE-15322 in terms of 4.8 Preview.