Inconsistent behaviour in the Details panel for some components

Using epic/master in Win8.1.

Let’s say I’m editing my Character blueprint and I add a CameraBoom and FollowCamera components. If for whatever reason I want to add Tags to these components, I select the one I want and in the Details panel I click on the + button under Tags. It adds an element and I continue changing other parameters in the panel.

Yet, if for example I add an AIPerception or PawnNoiseEmitter component and try to do the same, clicking on + kicks me out of the Details panel (panel becomes empty).

I then have to go back and select the component again from the Components panel to continue editing the parameters.

This is an inconsistent behaviour and I would say it’s a bug. I’d fix it myself and send a PR but I don’t have time right now to look into it.

Hi ,

I tested this internally and got the same results on that component and a few others. It was already bugged however (UE-14772) and marked as a “major” issue. Please let me know if you experience any other unexpected behaviors.
