Engine Scalability Settings Resetting to Low

To get an idea of how my levels will look once they’ve been scaled down, I set all of the scalability settings to their lowest. Once I was satisfied with its appearance, I attempted to return the settings to their highest. However, when I alter the scalability settings, they will instantly revert themselves back to the lowest settings immediately after clicking away from the menu box. I’ve tried a bunch of different things to prevent this from happening, but I’ve had no luck.

Any advice?


After resetting the engine for the umpteenth time, the scalability settings are now working properly. This question can be closed.

Hey Bnisbet,

I’m glad to see that this has since been resolved for you. I did test it out on our end and have not been able to reproduce it, so I’m not quite sure what caused the settings not to save properly for you. However, if you notice this again in the future, please inform us.

Have a wonderful weekend! :slight_smile:

Can this question be re-opened? I’m having the same problem. (Unsure whether this should be entered as a comment or as a separate post. If I should do something different, please advise.)

I just switched from UE4.4.3 to 4.7.6. Upon first opening the editor, I can change the scalability settings, and they work correctly. Graphical changes appear on screen, and the settings do not revert. However, once I preview, the scalability settings revert to Low, and cannot be changed. Graphical changes never occur, and as soon as the Engine Scalability Settings window is moved away from and disappears, the settings revert to what is shown in the first picture.

Also note that in the first picture, the Resolution Scale scrollbar handle does not exist, and the Resolution Scale is set at 6%, which is lower than the lowest manual setting of 25%.

Unwanted Reset


Settings before closing Scalability Settings


I have tried resetting multiple times, but to no avail as of yet.


Have you tried the engine version 4.8 Preview 1? Also, Bnisbet reset his engine a few times and it seems to have resolved his issue. I did just check my scalability settings in the Engine on 4.8 Preview 1, and they’ve stayed at Epic settings like they previously were.

Looking forward to hearing from you, thanks!

I have, indeed, reset the engine multiple times at this point.

Hm… This only seems to be happening on one specific project, after converting it from 4.4.3 to 4.7.6. I tried converting a different 4.4.3 project, and that worked fine, so that doesn’t seem to be the issue.

Also, I tried making another copy of the original 4.4.3 game, and that one didn’t work either. It definitely appears to be project-specific, though I don’t know what could be causing it.

I might try 4.8 at some point, but at my current location the internet isn’t too great, so downloading takes quite a while.


I went back to 4.7.6 and opened up an older project and checked the settings. I then changed the settings to low and used ‘save all’. Once everything was saved, I closed the project and then relaunched 4.7.6, opening the project again. Checking on the settings I noticed that they stayed on low, which is good. It shows that the saving function is working. So I changed the settings back to epic and used ‘save all’ again. I closed out the project again and reopened a fresh version of 4.7.6. The settings were saved at epic, which was expected.

With that being said, I still have not reproduced the issue that’s being described. However I would like it if you could try on that specific project to use ‘save all’ and see if that actually saves your settings or not.

Please let me know how that works out. Looking forward to hearing from you! :slight_smile:


I opened up the project. The settings were set at Medium. I changed them to Epic and saved, then reopened the project. No problems there; everything stayed beautifully epic.

Now the trouble spot. I hit play to preview, and everything switches to low, with a Resolution Scale of 6% (again, lower than the lowest possible manual setting). From this point on, whether in preview mode or edit mode, none of the changes to the scalability settings are saved or reflected. As soon as the Scalability Settings window is moved outside of and disappears, the settings reset (as far as what is shown to be selected; these changes are never reflected in the actual editor window. That always appears in low quality).

When I close and reopen the project at this point, it starts out at low quality with Resolution Scale of 6%, but can be changed and is correctly reflected in the project until I preview it.

As a kind of summary: If I don’t preview, changing scalability works fine. It saves the settings, it shows them correctly, etc. However, if I preview, for the rest of that session I can no longer set the scalability. It will remain at that unreasonably low setting until I reopen the project.


Are you able to replicate the ‘play to preview’ changing your scalability in any other project, or is it still limited to just the one project you’ve been working in? I have not been able to get this to reproduce by saving the epic settings and playing in preview, viewport or a standalone game.

Is this a project you’d be able to zip, upload and provide the link to me so I can obtain your project? If you don’t want the public to have access to your project, you can send it to me through a private message on the forums.

Thanks! :slight_smile:


I have not been able to reproduce the problem on any other project. As this is the very start of me creating this game, I have no problem providing the zipped file right here.

I do, however, need to upload the zipped file to , which is a little over a GB and shows an estimated 7 hours remaining. I’ll post it here when it’s up.

Here’s the link: https://www…com/s/jh52xzdzm6jfvn6/Unremarkable%204.7.zip?dl=0


You have a level blueprint set up to change the quality of your project. I deleted all of those nodes, changed the settings back to epic, used the save all that’s located within file. Then I went back to where your project was saved and deleted all folders except for Config, Content and the Unremarkable.uproject. This way it forced your project to rebuild the settings. Once I did that, I opened the project back up, made sure the scalability was at epic (or auto) and saved it again, then ran the project in PIE and all worked perfectly.

Please let me know if you’re not getting the same results on your end. Looking forward to hearing from you!


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Well that’s embarrassing… The last time I worked on this project was about a year ago, so I had forgotten I put those there.

Getting rid of the nodes in the level blueprint (even without taking the steps you took afterward) fixed everything. However, that still leaves several questions unanswered. Say I did want to set the quality using the level blueprint. Why, when using the Console Command “sg.ResolutionQuality 25” does it set the Resolution Quality to 6%? And since those nodes are only executed on Event Begin Play, why am I unable to change the scalability settings back after previewing, even in the editor?

Also, thanks for your assistance. You’ve been a great help. The Unreal staff and community constantly amazes me.


I’m glad that fixed the issue for you. Regarding the engine scalability settings being set at 6% when sg.ResolutionQuality 25 is placed into the execute console command node, I have entered a bug report to our developers. You can refer to this report as: UE-15610

The reason I submitted a bug report is because when I set the 25 to 50, the engine scalability settings show 25%, so the settings seem to be inconsistent with what we’re setting. Hopefully the developers will be able to shed some additional light on this feature. :slight_smile:



I have heard back from the developers regarding this issue. The engine scalability resolution and Sg.ResolutionQuality settings are two different percentages and there is a mapping between the two (it’s a square/squareroot operation). Sg.ResolutionQuality and the displayed value are different. One is the scale of width and height, while the other is a performance indicator (how many pixels it needs to render).

I have asked the developers if a possible tool-tip would be useful for users who are not familiar with these differences, as it may shed some light when developing your game/projects.


Good to know! Thanks!

You’re welcome. :slight_smile:

Same problem here. Settings in editor are reverted as soon as I close the scalability window (4.9.2).

There are log messages like this printed:
LogConsoleManager:Warning: Console variable ‘sg.AntiAliasingQuality’ wasn’t set (‘Scalability’ has a lower priority than ‘Console’)


I have not been able to replicate this. Could you please try in a new project or even the newest version of the engine.


Thanks for the info. Can someone please share the Level Blueprint?
How to set up the Level Blueprint with all the Engine Scalability Parameters?

Thank you so much!

I was having this issue until I found a different solution, which was to delete / rename the “Saved” folder in the UE5 project I was working on. Once I did that I was able to overwrite the Editor scalability settings correctly. Before that it kept resetting to some medium settings.

I’m guessing this issue will happen again when any type of Graphic Option blueprints like a main menu forcibly save those settings to the disk.

You’ll just need to remember to reset or clear your game save in the Saved folder.