Linux:: Static Mesh Editor, Auto-Convex collision causes crash

Using Auto-Convex collision in the Static Mesh Editor causes UE4 to crash. try it for yourself.

The most recent output to the terminal in my case was " /home/myuser/Unreal/UnrealEngine3DLuvr/Engine/Binaries/Linux/UE4Editor: symbol lookup error: /home/myuser/Unreal/UnrealEngine3DLuvr/Engine/Binaries/Linux/ undefined symbol: _ZN15HACD_STANDALONE14createHACD_APIEv "

Hey -

I was able to reproduce this crash and have submitted a report (UE-13744) for further investigation.


This has been fixed in the main branch, that is, 4.8, where we moved to vHACD with this commit: