Duplicated Blueprints are broken


I have found that Using ALT drag method to duplicate Blueprint actors in level appears to break logic on new copies.

setup is to have a simple cube blueprint that prints it’s own name when you collide with it.
one on left is original. I then Duplicate it twice using ALT drag method.

Blueprint logic looks like this:

When you collide with original, all things are fine (See Log window on Right):

But Clear log and walk through third clone and you get this:

I ONLY collided with Visible_Trigger_Blueprint3 but it prints three messages one for each of actors.

One collision. Three executions of blueprint.

Weird, eh?

Hi ,

This sounds almost exactly like bug reported here:

which already has a bug report open for it (UE-11819). I have added your information to bug report and increased community interest in it. We don’t have an estimated time for a fix yet. I’ll let you know as soon as I see an update on it.

Thanks for your report!