Unreal engine 4.7.4 crash

Ever since updating from 4.7.3 to 4.7.4 I am getting a:

SIGSEGV: invalid attempt to access memory at address 0x3

error immediately upon launch. Is there a way to fix this / an update coming soon? Until then can I downgrade to 4.7.3?

It would appear that there re a lot of files that engine is failing to find. In application support, engine creates a “4.8” folder, yet is looking for 4.7 engine files. Perhaps this could be an issue?


Hi , Thanks for getting back to me. This occurs on old projects, projects created from marketplace / learn tabs and also when just clicking ‘launch’ on engine itself without selecting a project. In short, there is no way to open engine. I have deleted engine and am trying to run it from github source now, when i’m done i will re-download it so i can get a crash report to you

Hi TheWhirlpoole,

We’re working on some fixes for conversion crashes now. Does this happen with new projects as well? Can you and attach crash log from your project after this crash occurs? Thanks!

Just to update. 4.7.4 github source also does not work, but 4.7.3 source works fine

Hi Whirlpoole,

Please and attach crash logs for this, as we have little to go off of. Also, when it crashes, are you submitting Crash Report? Can you copy/paste information from report here so we can look it up? Thanks!

Hi Whirlpoole,

Can you try opening a copy of your project in 4.7.5 and see if crash still occurs? If so, please provide information requested above. Thanks!

Hi , crash does occur still on 4.7.5. I’ve deleted engine and gone back to using 4.7.3 source again so let m download engine again later and i’ll get back to you with details

Here are crash reports

link text

and here is what comes up when it crashes:

link text

Hi Whirlpoole,

Thanks for logs! I can now verify that this is a known issue (UE-13664) that has already been fixed internally, and fix should be available for next release (4.8 or a 4.8 preview, most likely). It only affects versions 4.7.4 and 4.7.5, so you should be safe using 4.7.3 for now.

Thanks for confirming. Any idea of when next version will be available?

Ok, thanks. Is there anything I can do in meantime to downgrade to 4.7.3 without going through Github? Could do with a fix sooner than next month.

There isn’t a firm date yet, but probably another month before official release of 4.8. I believe we’re going to do Preview releases beforehand, so that would be much sooner. I don’t think we’re doing a 4.7.6 this time around, unfortunately, but if we do this fix would likely be included.

No, there isn’t a way to roll back binary version, so GitHub is your only option. Are you having any trouble getting that?