[BUG] assign more than two bone IK make crash

when i assign more that two bone IK, it will crash. don’t know why. i use UE4.6.2 btw

See also https://answers.unrealengine.com/questions/196909/bug-blueprint-two-bone-ik-node-crashes-client-on-a.html

You can see the fix in the 4.7.3 fix notes. I had entered this as UE-11369.

ok, thx. but unfortunately, i still not migrating to ue4.7 hehehe, and i found the workaround for everybody out there that maybe had a same problem with me. break the link (make it to not had a simulation when you add the node.) and build the link from the IK animnode first. to your animation (either it your locomotion/blendspace/animsequence(all that would fire the tick/simulation)). hope can migrate my project soon.