Character BP yaw input bug

The “Add Controller Yaw input” rotates at different speeds when played with standalone game vs play in selected viewport.

Here is a demonstration. I am only using keyboard input for the axis.

I had similar issues a while ago. Try changing between the Yaw, Pitch, Roll inputs.

Howdy SentientBot,

Thank you for reporting this issue. I have been able to replicate what you have been seeing with Yaw rotation. I have entered Jira Report UE-11755 and placed it into our bug database so the it may be addressed in a future release.

At this time I am unsure as to when the issue will be resolved but I will be sure to keep you updated if I see any work reported on this Jira.

Thanks and have a great day!

The problem is you are not scaling by timestep, and instead applying the same rotation each frame. So if the frame rate is higher, you will turn faster. Take a look at something like the Third Person template, and you can see how you need to scale by the time step to make it work independent of frame rate.