4.7 Preview 1: C++ Top Down sample won't allow movement

I have opened the Top Down (C++) sample project under 4.7 Preview 1 and there appears to be an bug preventing the player pawn from moving. When running within the viewport I get lots of the following warning messages generated:

 Warning SimpleMove failed for UE4TopDownCppPlayerController_2: movement not allowed

(UE4TopDownCpp is the name of the project).

I guess something has changed within the code base and the sample hasn’t been updated to support it?

Note: I get the same results under Windows 7 (x64) and OSX 10.10.2.

Hey trojanfoe-

I was able to reproduce this bug on my machine and have submitted it to our internal tracking system (UE-7254) for further investigation.


FYI: After seeing the forum update for 4.7 Preview 3, it looks like UE-7254 that you raised might be a dupe of UE-6551 “Unable to move in TopDown template”.