Trigger volumes do not trigger

Hello everyone,
Title is self explanatory.

Dropbox - Error - Simplify your life

Hey ,

I was able to reproduce this in Main branch and have entered a bug report for developers (UE-7027). Thanks for report!

Hey! As I said on my other post I cannot work without collisions (or triggers of course) .Actually no one can work without collisions and triggers. Are guys aware of how important this is? This bug has broken half of my game. Thank you

As I mentioned on your other post, developers only got back in today. This was reported on Christmas Eve while they were all off. I can tell you that it has been looked at and marked Critical for moment, and that means if possible it will be fixed for 4.8, but beyond that I there isn’t much I can tell you at this point.

What changelist was it fixed in?

It has not been fixed yet. See above comment.

We just tested this in our internal build, CL-2404159, and it is no longer occurring. latest Main on GitHub should reflect this change. I am not certain which CL fixed it, but it was initially tested in CL-2394966 so it’ll be somewhere in that range. If you’re using Main branch, you can upgrade to latest to resolve this error.