UMG disables input

Every time I add a widget to the viewport it disables input and shows the cursor, I have to click the mouse to reenable input. Yes, “modal” and “showcursor” are unchecked.

Hi ,

Thank you for your report. After adding a Widget to the viewport, it does appear you must click once to regain focus and interact with the Widget. I have reported this to our UMG developer.

EDIT: I see that this is unrelated to what I initially thought. I was able to reproduce the issue and have since reported it. My original message have been edited to reflect this.

I hate to nag, but this is still happening in 4.6.

Hi ,

I am trying to recreate this, but it is working for me now. Is this using the same Widget as before and you updated it? If you make a new widget in 4.6, does it behave differently? Can you send me some screenshots of how you have set up your blueprints? Any additional information may help with the investigation.

This is a new project, the widget in question(a basic menu, just buttons with OnClicked events) was created in 4.6. When I open or close it I have to click once to gain focus. This does not happen if I just open and close it with the menu button without clicking on anything. The screenshot is from my HUD blueprint.

Hello ,

After doing some digging I have found that this issue (UE-5534) has been reported to the developers. I do not currently have a workaround for this problem. Thank you for your patience.

Has this been fixed yet? Its annoying to have to click once before being able to use umg buttons.

Hello ,

This issue is still under investigation, however I have found a workaround for this issue. If you set the input mode to game only when hiding the mouse this should set the focus back to your game without having to click. I hope that this helps.

Make it a great day