UE 4.2 Editor crashes after opening new or existing project

UE4.2 run and select any new or open project after few second its automatic close the application

Hi ,

Will you post the logs and dxdiag here please? Thank you!

My Specs:

System Model: HP Probook 6560B laptop
Processor: I5-2410M CPU @ 2.3 Ghz
RAM: 8 Gb memory
DirectX Version: DirectX 11
GPU: Intel HD Grpahics Family
Display Mode: 1366 x 768 (32 Bit) (60 Hz)
HDD: 320 Gb - 275 Gb free space

Note: I have two computer one is Asus Maximus Gene VI desktop with Nvidia 650 Ti Boost. Its working fine.
I use this “HP Probook 6560B laptop” for continues my hobbies.

Additional: Speedtree plug-ins its will active soon. And when UE 4.3 release.
Please make a tools or site like Maximo Fuse to create animated character. But less amount charges for the members. Its very high price for the Rig character from Maximo Fuse.

Hi ,

Can you please post your logs as well? They are located in the /UnrealProject/PROJECTNAME/saved/logs/ folder. Thank you!

link text

Hi ,

I see that you have an Intel HD Graphics Family card, some of these integrated cards, specifically the HD 3000, are known to cause UE4 crashes. However, we have learned that updating the graphics card driver to the latest version has resolved the crashes for many users. Please try updating your drivers.

I hope this helps.