Weird behavior of PCG as actor component

Hi all. In short, I’m currently developing a race track generator which spawns different pre-made track chunks (actors) and I decided to use PCG for spawning foliage as a component for the track chunk blueprint.

Originally, I just added PCG component to the chunk actor and encountered a weird behavior of how it scatters the meshes along the track. It looks like it tries to do it only in those places where chunks connect with each other.

Here is the screenshot (I marked chunk connections with red lines):

After I did some research I added additional sphere collision (the green one on the screenshot below) to the track chunk and it fixed the problem somehow:

And here is the result:

Well, now I’m just trying to understand how exactly adding a collision component has fixed PCG and why it couldn’t generate properly in the first place, any clues? I’m using UE 5.3.2.