16 Bpc texture and image export please!


Everybody need 16 bits export :smiley:

+1, totally agreed


ps: Coucou Paul ! :slight_smile:

Hello ladies and gentlemen,


If you want this feature, vote for it, so we can see what is the community interested in.

When you say “vote”, you’re talking about the arrow pointing up on the first post, right?

Exactly :slight_smile:

please add possibility to export 16bit texutres

hello, it is planned

Thanks for the responce! this will be a massive bonus to VFX studios wanting to use your software.
I hope that UDIM support comes along side 16bit float textures as the two go hand in hand.

Any further news on this?  Would be great to see it sooner rather than later.  Cheers

EXR export please.

and 16bit float (not integer) import

Any news ?

Do it / Do it/ Do it!

Any idea of when this is coming?

This has been asking for years now… better looking for an open source solution IMO.

Still no support for 16 bit texture export?

This should have been a priority considering that RC is now being widely used in VFX and games industry since 2 yrs ago.

Its been 3 long years and no update… Please devs, don’t give us an Adobe-like work ethics… I hope not…

Hello everyone,

creation of 16bit/HDR textures is supported from version