Livelink Xsens/movella with metahumans Body and hands workflow?

Hi Everyone,

We are working with ue 5.2 and we use mvn Animate to creat a live link for body mocap on a meta human character.
We want to do the mocap live with the meta human in the level.
So we DON’T use a pre-recorded animation and retarget that to meta human, we use the live link feature.

Normally this should be pretty straight forward: add the livelik connection into the metahuman blueprint and select the mvretargetasset. As we did:

But the retarget doesn’t work, the body is motionless (drags around in the space without any further arm or leg movement) and the head breaks to the side. as seen here:

If we add handcapture with Manus gloves, we get the Crabhand issue

Based on the old workflow in UE4, we expected to check the retarget asset and or T-pose and check for errors. But in this workflow, we can’t even find the retarget asset in the content browser, there seems to be no more t-pose asset etc.

So our question is, how does this livelink workflow work now? how can we make adjustments to the retargettin etc?
we couldn’t find anything about this in the documentation and other resources. (only retargetting existing animations)

Anyone who could help with this issue?